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WTK Might Sell, Fred and my account
You sold both banes?
Marvin5762:Legionaire/Trained Rider
Marvin5763:Master Peltast/Novice Rider
Marvin5764:Chosen Marksman

House Crafting Support Lvl 13
Alchemy Lvl 15
Blacksmith Lvl 12

Legendary Loots:/
Player since June 2012
I have 1 x Worm Bane left, but I got to go now. I see your offers tomorrow.
Just make an offer when you want to buy something, can be on the thread and via PM.
I will update the highest offer, when there are more offers on 1 item.
Sold my Volundr Great Sword at the 4th of May, 2014.

Steam: Sinister_Soldier
I might do 50k for the collector items
Got any mats left for house crafting?
Ughgh ON have many Wood if you want I can give you 1600 Wood and Sinister have the same I think
Loots: 0 
But I have 7k wood
why you dont use it for House Crafting ?
Loots: 0 
We are probably not going to leave the mod, because Fred just found something cool, Pikeman.
Everything what I mention is still for sale. When we sell something, we will sell it at the normal price.
I like to have Pikeman stuff, cash, house crafting mats and high tier mats.

Thanks everyone.
Sold my Volundr Great Sword at the 4th of May, 2014.

Steam: Sinister_Soldier
Every nice Stuff is instantly away Tongue
?.?.12 - Wormbane
4.6.18 - Penetrator

[Image: 76561198058198743.png]
30 k for emblemed crossbowmans armor  ;D
Sinister would you sell the other tome for Bear Armor, Worm bane, SS bow and heavy cade?

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