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Solo Rankings
Rules of Solo Club:
  1. You do not talk about Solo Club.
  2. You do NOT talk about Solo Club!
  3. We can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any "Solo Club" either suggested or implied.
Nattasha - Sniper/Skirmisher
VenomsLust - Sergeant
Normal: 20
Hard: 19
Ragnarok: 6
Loots: 0 
I think some screenshots as a proof would be nice to keep up fairness in this ranking Wink
'Who needs social life if you have double experience?' -yuri
only got screens from my Pikeman Big Grin
Loots: 0 
I suppose we could repeat the ventures and grab screenies...

I could then make each score a link to the image of proof...
Nattasha - Sniper/Skirmisher
VenomsLust - Sergeant
I think it's not so clever to make a list of people bragging about how far they soloed. Best way to have your class nerf.

How do you think cav got removed ? Dexxta Xeqtor and cie were always on IRC bragging about how far they would make it by themselves. Next thing you know, cav got nerfed. They found new ways , kept bragging, cavs was removed.

So you want Throwers to not be able to kite anymore by having heavier armor or less atheltic skills ? All enemies to get shield skills so Snipers can't shoot heads or feet now ? That more enemies get crush through or that the % of piercing with throwing weapons is nerfed ?

If you want those things , keep doing threads like that ...
In general, that's a bad PR trend:

"Don't talk about how well you can do, or we'll take away your reason to play."
Nattasha - Sniper/Skirmisher
VenomsLust - Sergeant
Best way is to listen to _Sphinx_ and remove this post..
You think people do this fair?
We can't survive with a team 2-4 rounds in Ragnorak, Alex and Nici did 6 rounds alone? No screenshot..
I don't say they didn't, a screenshot can prove it?
DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 19 - ArmorSmith 22 - BlackSmith 18 - Alchemist 8
Play on First Defence and you will See.

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