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NordInvasion Weekly Event #42 - (Sign Up Thread) 10th, 12th, 14th July
Those of you that applied for today's event make sure you read the rules:
"Deer": i want to go to sleep, but i might wake up and not have a house anymore
"Deer": and CC would have grown
"Deer": i wish people would pay me to do things i dont know how to do
Due to bad physical condition i can`t even attend on today`s event.
Wusel @ Omnia
Character Name:BoS_Greg 
Class:Sniper/heavy Inf.
Equipment:SSbow, bronze, worm bane, SHC
Server type(normal/hard/ragnarok):ragnarok
Volunteer to be Captain?:no
Legendarys looted:
Aurora Blade - April 2013
Barbutte with Coif - February 2014
Eastern Katana - November 2014
Tiger Scale Armor - November 2015
Wed/Fri/Sun: Friday
Character Name:  BoS_Niezdara
Level: 52
Class: Sharpshooter, Heavy Infantry
Equipment: Arbalest, Barrel (or SHC)
Role: Shooter
Map: any
Server type: Hard or Ragnarok
Volunteer to be Captain?: no
BoS_Niezdara - LVL 52 Repeaterman - Blacksmith LVL 22 | BoS_Niezdara_Guard - LVL 52 Royal Guard - Armorsmith LVL 25 | BoS_Niezdara_Peltast - LVL 52 Master Peltast - Alchemist LVL 25 | BoS_Niezdara_Warden - LVL 52 Warden
Wed/Fri/Sun: Friday
Character Name:  [GER]-Balder[III]
Level: 40
Class: Pikeman
Equipment: Jarids, normal cade
Role: throwing
Map: any
Server type: Normal or Hard
Volunteer to be Captain?: no
Wed/Fri/Sun: Fri
Character Name: WS_Ryan
Level: 52
Class: Sniper
Equipment: SS Bow, bronze, SHC
Role: Ranged
Map: Any
Server type(normal/hard/ragnarok): Ragnarok
WS House
Sorry can not make event.
Come at the king Best not miss.
I see we need some more royal guards. So i will join with my Commando today instead of my Archer Yuri.
Loots: 0 
sry i cant make it to the friday event, but ill be there for the sunday event.
Best Solo:
Normal 20 Completed
Hard 20 Completed
Ragnarok 19 incompleted
Wed/Fri/Sun: Friday
Character Name: CC_Tjaviboy
Class:commando hybrid
Equipment:HWH + Highlander claymore + heavy barricade
RoleConfusedlasher or if supplied ingame healer
Map: Any
Server type(normal/hard/ragnarok): Any
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional) Nop

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