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The Order of the Nobles (Level 39 +) (inactive)
Player name:Skulltaker_II
Character ID:2462849,2464036,2464014
Level and Class of Main:41 Sniper
Craft profession and level:Blacksmith 4
Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a Mic:Yes
Do you have steam, if yes; what's your steam name:Skulltaker
What's your time zone:GMT
Why do you want to join us:I would like to be in a house and go to house events
any picture from the event O.O... or any loot or any information or something for me?
Arcavius_Thor:Prince kill:4
                            Thor kill:1
my steam: xelosz

(30-07-2013, 10:31 AM)Arcavius Family link Wrote:any picture from the event O.O... or any loot or any information or something for me?

Informations for you ?  :o never

Well we killed Odin. Best loot was a Lump i think. So no Mjolnir Smile
Loots: 0 
Big Grin
Arcavius_Thor:Prince kill:4
                            Thor kill:1
my steam: xelosz

event time????????????
Arcavius_Thor:Prince kill:4
                            Thor kill:1
my steam: xelosz

I was thinking for Sunday because Sinister and Fred are back then and we can use or House Tournament win Smile
Loots: 0 
guys can you read the last?
Arcavius_Thor:Prince kill:4
                            Thor kill:1
my steam: xelosz

(01-08-2013, 10:57 AM)ON_Alex link Wrote:I was thinking for Sunday because Sinister and Fred are back then and we can use or House Tournament win Smile
oh what did we get Big Grin?
Arcavius_Thor:Prince kill:4
                            Thor kill:1
my steam: xelosz

wait till sinister is back, i wont say anything Tongue
Loots: 0 
Back from my holidays.

So, we can do thingies again  Wink
<19:51:48> Channel group "Member" was assigned to "Jack Sparrow" by "Maroon".
<19:51:49> Channel group "Member" was assigned to "Jack Sparrow" by "Fred".

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