PROTECT THE DEVS/ADMIN (you can come up with your own fancy name)
i was trolling on the irc like always and this just popped into my head
the game mode can only be started obviously if a dev/admin is in a server and everyone wants to do it
the round starts of with the dev/admin in his gear but no weapons and the players have to defend said dev/admin from the attacking nords for fear of capture (so the nords can learn the secrets of coding ect ect and make themselves near invincible) so where ever the dev/admin decides to go the team must then follow to defend
the round ends either when all the players are dead and the nords are just taking a chunk out of the dev/admin or if we fail in our given protection details
and before anyone says yes like defend the virgin except this is a dev/admin and they move
i was trolling on the irc like always and this just popped into my head
the game mode can only be started obviously if a dev/admin is in a server and everyone wants to do it
the round starts of with the dev/admin in his gear but no weapons and the players have to defend said dev/admin from the attacking nords for fear of capture (so the nords can learn the secrets of coding ect ect and make themselves near invincible) so where ever the dev/admin decides to go the team must then follow to defend
the round ends either when all the players are dead and the nords are just taking a chunk out of the dev/admin or if we fail in our given protection details
and before anyone says yes like defend the virgin except this is a dev/admin and they move
COURAGE: do one brave thing then run like hell
Long Live The Order Of The Scarlet Blade's
Long Live The Order Of The Scarlet Blade's