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Selling Bear armour set
Body, guantlets, and boots

with an open trooper helm.

Open to offers, looking at xbow/pikeman stuff
YunYun "I would do a lot of things to your face"
Yuri "Yes, Yes! Use me!
Takeo  "hey hey, I'm man on trust"
Diamond "I'm not an idiot!"
Hande "it makes you to be my.. son ?"
Kip "Mmm, I love unbuilt cades on stairs"
Rammy "Pls"
Tarrod "should I show you my biceps or wat"
heavy kettle helmet
"Deer": i want to go to sleep, but i might wake up and not have a house anymore
"Deer": and CC would have grown
"Deer": i wish people would pay me to do things i dont know how to do
is this a all in one offer or can i pick items out which i want?
How much for only the gauntlets and the boots?
Joeja - Zweihander lvl 52
Joeja_II - Warden lvl 52
Joeja_III - Master Peltast lvl 52
Joeja_IV - Sharpshooter lvl 45

Steam: Joeja

Legendary's found:
Worm Bane
Open salet for The Gauntlets ,Boots,Body,and Open trooper

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