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Sunguard of Swadia (Recruiting Lvls 39+) Mostly NA/Partially EU
I suggest this house, leader is really active and nice.
Recruiting will be closed for abit due to me being AFG. (about a few days to a few weeks)
And due to school matters with me doing abit during school.

Im back. I can now play on weekends.  8)
Recruitment is back up now.
Is there a level/tier requirement
Not now due to the need of players,but later on we will be accepting lvls 39+. If you are in the house and your main isnt lvl 39 you can still stay tho.

Name: Angrath
Alt/s: only main, a level 12 tier 1 infantry
Reason to join us: I want to help a community that once was rise up again.
Do you have teamspeak and a mic: yes and yes.
Level: 12
Timezone and when you are on: Pacific standard time and at least 30 minutes every day.
Crafting profession/level: Blacksmith level 2
Main Character: level 12 tier 1 infantry
which alt will be soldier: none
Accepted! First recruit on the forums!  Smile Welcome to SOS! I will try to update the roster tomorrow and add the lore and the history of us.
Name: JordanDMK
ID: 2468995 (Pikeman)
Alt/s: 2468923 (Commando)
Reason to join us: Looking for a good communication, and teamwork
Do you have Teamspeak and a Mic?: yes
Timezone and when you are on we mostly will do events on a NA or EU server: EU
Crafting Profession/Level: Blacksmith
Main Char: Pikeman
Which Alt will be soldier?: Commando
Steam Name: niuqrat1969
Accepted! Will add you on steam welcome to SOS.
To all who read this.

Something very bad just came up in my life and might have to make me quit but ill see. If i do have to go AFG for awhile on steam and ingame might need to do a leader change. But its a 50/50 chance.

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