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That would have been my Wormbane  :-\

[Image: ilkho9lr.jpg]
Legendary Item: Ornate Crusader Helmet | 22.03.2018
                         Volundr Greatsword           | 23.03.2018
I don't think so. It just happens sometimes and I don't think that it's exactly when you should loot sth. Anyway, you could always loot Shade Ore instead of WB.
Playing NI since December 2011
This happened to me on prince once. If it's actually supposed to be a drop, I'm gonna be pissed.
If that was actually a drop then i would have 12 WBs by now.
Or shade ores Smile
This error message happens sometimes and has nothing to do with a drop or no drop.
If you take a look at any other loot you got, you would see that the drop message is always with the assist XP message.
For example:
[Image: ba96b5ee73.jpg]
(Stolen from Nudel's signature Smile )

So please open your eyes before spreading such rumors.
You can get a drop even if you get the ERROR message.  Here is some proof.  I do so enjoy 2 x Rough Cloth...

Same for the 404 error message.

There is your proof.  So to everyone with the "ERROR" as a legendary signature, you are a moron mistaken Big Grin

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