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Engineer and FirstAid Professions
You can add engineering and first aiding as Profession skills (or crafting?).  Smile

-Engineers could create barriers, covers and drop ammo supplies.
-Medics could bandage other players and drop medic pack.Maybe alchemy could help to improve first aid .

We can find more professions if you like that idea.
I know its like Wow but I like these kind of extra skills. I think that will increase teamwork and it will be first for warband moding.
I like the idea of Engineer, that could be a cool profession to allow the creation of barriers/deployables etc. I dont think first aid profession would add much, so could probably be merged with the engineer one.

Definitely something I will think about in the future, but first off I need to add more content to the other profs lol
That's great!
Maybe you can add firstaid to alchemy
Maybe alchemy can have more powerfull consumables but with a penalty/decreased time, and engineer/medic gets less powerfull/longer consumabled ( Perhaps only healing for engineer/medic, and buffs/(Maybe even debuffs?) for alchemist)).
I love the idea of having a Surgeon (Medic/Doctor) and a Engineer. It would add a much more flexible choice of path to go down and not just Combat wise classes.

However, maybe we can change it to be similar to the crafting professions. Such as, they will become minor professions (Surgeon, Engineer, Tactician etc) that you can mix with your major professions (Archer, Inf, Cavalry etc). So that way it expands the choice of an hybrid class.

There are many ways to go about this so do continue to speak your mind about these ideas and maybe something will come of them after we are satisfied about the main professions we have now.  Wink
[align=center][Image: 2n6u4ux.png]
I do actually have some interesting ideas involving engineers / medics and the like, but they may have to be put on the back burner for now, so watch this space Smile
I think we would need to be able to see someone's health before we could be a good medic. Just sayin'.
(30-11-2011, 02:03 PM)jaaash link Wrote: I think we would need to be able to see someone's health before we could be a good medic. Just sayin'.

Well, I doubt that it would be useful for constant communication with the teammates, everyone can just see each other's health, and throw some medkits on the way with no sort of effort. It is much more fun to shout and search for wounded players then silently healing them, but thats just my opinion.

On the engineer note, I wonder if we could construct something more innovative destructible towers (on large maps only?) so that archers could gain a height advantage against the enemy, or even mini-catapults/ballistas that requires alot of time and manpower but has a small AOE attack against the enemy, which would be useful as an engineer.
[Image: 2n6u4ux.png]
For the Honour of the Fallen Swadians.
I'd rather not have a medic, since that didn't exist in medieval, but a surgeon.

Engineer&surgeon are 2 new primary proffesions.

While building you are interrupted by damage or a bot running into you. Building "sturdy" things take the longest time, "tents" the average, and "large" things take the least amount of time. To build something you need resources. Primarily wood for "sturdy" and "large" barricades, and "cloth" for tents.
Ability to repair fences, barricades and tents.
Builds barricades (spikes, fences)
Builds covers (deployed shields, deployed siege shields)
Builds healing tent (heals twice or 3/4th of the speed as a cooking pot)
Builds weapon depot (Refills ammo twice or 3/4th as fast as normal ammo refill. Also heals shields. It's a tent)

All those are destructable. Buildings take more damage depending on type:
Tents: (made for bonusses) will take 2-7 hits.
Sturdy (made to halt enemy troops) will take a lot of damage.
Large (made to provide cover against ranged fire) will take lots of piercing damage, but 3-15 hits against cut or blunt damage.

Ability to see other player's health.
"Ressurects" downed players with low hp and very slowly. You are interrupted by damage, or a bot running into you.
The hp the ressurected person increases and the time needed to ressurect decreases with higher skill.
Creates professional/sterile bandages (consumable that you can use to heal yourself or others. Refills more health with higher tier bandage. Best bandage heals about 90%)
Poison (Shared with alchemist. Your cutting/piercing weapons do extra damage. Apply on webpage. Blunt weapons cannot be poisoned)

and secondary skills:

First aid:
Creates quick bandages/bandages (consumable that you can use to heal yourself or others. Refills more health with higher tier bandage. Best bandage heals about 50%)

(30-11-2011, 02:17 PM)Roran link Wrote: I'd rather not have a medic, since that didn't exist in medieval, but a surgeon.

Engineer&surgeon are 2 new primary proffesions.

While building you are interrupted by damage or a bot running into you. Building "sturdy" things take the longest time, "tents" the average, and "large" things take the least amount of time. To build something you need resources. Primarily wood for "sturdy" and "large" barricades, and "cloth" for tents.
Ability to repair fences, barricades and tents.
Builds barricades (spikes, fences)
Builds covers (deployed shields, deployed siege shields)
Builds healing tent (heals twice or 3/4th of the speed as a cooking pot)
Builds weapon depot (Refills ammo twice or 3/4th as fast as normal ammo refill. Also heals shields. It's a tent)

All those are destructable. Buildings take more damage depending on type:
Tents: (made for bonusses) will take 2-7 hits.
Sturdy (made to halt enemy troops) will take a lot of damage.
Large (made to provide cover against ranged fire) will take lots of piercing damage, but 3-15 hits against cut or blunt damage.

Ability to see other player's health.
"Ressurects" downed players with low hp and very slowly. You are interrupted by damage, or a bot running into you.
The hp the ressurected person increases and the time needed to ressurect decreases with higher skill.
Creates professional/sterile bandages (consumable that you can use to heal yourself or others. Refills more health with higher tier bandage. Best bandage heals about 90%)
Poison (Shared with alchemist. Your cutting/piercing weapons do extra damage. Apply on webpage. Blunt weapons cannot be poisoned)

and secondary skills:

First aid:
Creates quick bandages/bandages (consumable that you can use to heal yourself or others. Refills more health with higher tier bandage. Best bandage heals about 50%)

I see I have competition in the advisory section *wrangles fists*  Smile

But I can see you do have some great detailed ideas on the engineer and surgeon class.

About Engineer:

I think repairing items isnt an option, since alot of coding has to be implemented to even barely make it work, so maybe it might be of use in the long term.

Deploying covers should be on the engineer, there seem to be an overflow of deploy shields nowadays.

There has to be a build limit on all these stuffs.(1 for all, 2 for defense barricades), so the engineer is not that overpowering. To the disadvantage, he does not get new armour or advance to the third class(but that can be discussed later on).

I disagree with the object strength that you stated. The enemy horde is difficult, but not overpowering to heavily rely on engineers. Have destructible tents in 2 hits, sturdy barricades in 5-6 hits, and no large barricades to balance the engineer class.

Refill depots should be 3/4 the speed to refill the player ammo/health since a surplus of these refill areas would mean that players dont have to share.

Player's health, it works on some single-player mods, but I'm not sure if it works in multiplayer.

Resurrection is almost an impossible process. The player actually disappears when killed, and coding the resuurection skill would take ages for the NI team.

I remember throwable first-aid kits from China battlefield mod with an AOE healing effect. If possible, make first aid-kits without an AOE to immediately heal onto the targeted player and an AOE medkit for group healing. Healing power should be scarce enough to balance out health refills back in base but useful enough to survive another attack.

First aid-kits without AOE can be in packs of 3 per slot, healing 8 hp

First aid-kits with AOE can be in a big pack only, healing 20 hp in a small radius for 6 seconds.
[Image: 2n6u4ux.png]
For the Honour of the Fallen Swadians.

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