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Tier 4 Xbow Progression
Well now that I just bought my Arbalest i don't know what my next goal should be I have Emblemed Mail Heavy Kettle Hat Orante espada any ideas what I should chase next???
Tier 4 Commando Tier 4 Crossbowman Tier 3 Archer
Teutonic Knights Forever

Prince 2x
(20-11-2013, 06:07 PM)TK_Joker link Wrote: Should I buy the tier 4 armor or buy something crafted?
Also is the siege Xbow worth it???

If you have enought money you can buy Emblemed Crossbowman's Mail (craftable), it´s not that expensive.
Well, I don't usually use a crossbow on my xbox.  It does impress me that you got it to tier 4, though.  I couldn't get mine past tier 1 >.<

In all seriousness, no.  Siege Crossbow is trash compared to the glorious, only slightly more expensive Arbalest.  If you are tier 4, get that.  As far as armor goes, Emblemed Crossbowman's Mail is pretty cheap (a good ~100k), and the next step up is closer 1.5 million.  You may as well get the Emblemed over the marketplace, as it isn't much more expensive (one or two good Ragnarok/Hard runs) and offers a lot more protection.
So what should be my fist priority Arbalest or Emblemed?
Tier 4 Commando Tier 4 Crossbowman Tier 3 Archer
Teutonic Knights Forever

Prince 2x
Definitely an Arbalest.  If you are a decent crossbowman on a decent team, you shouldn't need armor all that much and the additional damage output would be much more favorable.  Until after that is crafted and you can afford the better armor, tier 4 marketplace armor should do.  You could even keep the tier 3 stuff, as long as you don't get hit much.  Just don't be surprised if you get people asking what level you are.
(20-11-2013, 06:25 PM)Winter link Wrote: Definitely an Arbalest.  If you are a decent crossbowman on a decent team, you shouldn't need armor all that much and the additional damage output would be much more favorable.  Until after that is crafted and you can afford the better armor, tier 4 marketplace armor should do.  You could even keep the tier 3 stuff, as long as you don't get hit much.  Just don't be surprised if you get people asking what level you are.
How much is a Arbalest 350k?
Tier 4 Commando Tier 4 Crossbowman Tier 3 Archer
Teutonic Knights Forever

Prince 2x
Something like that.,69.0.html
Go there and use the search function to find Arbalest.  There have been several posts within two months of today that involved the Arbalest going for around 300k.  I doubt prices have changed much since then.
i believe the current arbelast prices are 450k+ as i did quite abit of searching for one and was the lowest price i found hopefully you will get a better deal them me
I vote for the stamford
Great weapon, useful in all modes
I use it even if theres a DWP/Fell Edge on the ground.
I got mine for around 250k
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(20-11-2013, 10:56 PM)Handef_Snizel link Wrote: I vote for the stamford
Great weapon, useful in all modes
I use it even if theres a DWP/Fell Edge on the ground.
I got mine for around 250k

It's not nearly as useful as an Arba, though. I still use an Ornate Espada on my Passive Champ, and it's working fine, so it's not that much of a priority, imo.
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