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R.I.P. 27 Days
Hey Guys. Went to Taleworlds Forum and look what I found.

A new mod almost like Nordinvasion. Its a fun mod, I recommend trying it out. Its in Early Developement. (You can glitch  ;D) No Download. Just go to Native Multiplayer check Battle and the server name is 27_Days. Only one server and 32 slots. Imagine this mod in a few months. Will it rival Nord Invasion?  Wink
It'll take more than a few months Tongue.

Aslong as they don't focus on swadians kicking nord ass, I wish them the best of luck.
Nothing like a bit of healthy competition.

Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

No longer active.
It's funny but it's getting boring after 1/2 hour Sad
Captain_Sobel---Master Peltast LVL 52
Captain_Sobel_IV---Commando LVL 49
Captain_Sobel_VII---Man At Arms LVL 36
Captain_Sobel_X---Sniper LVL 42

Prince: /
Ragnar: 1
Odin: 1

Bye Bye 27 Days  :'(

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