05-01-2014, 01:01 AM
Order of the Knights Templar (OKT)
![[Image: BLBwddN.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/BLBwddN.jpg)
Made by: The Sexy and Super Hot Sir Spacey
The Swadian army is heretic struck, the King has called upon Pope Wenus to rally the remnants of the Swadian army!
Our goal is to vanquish all Nords we come across in game. Once we grow, we will crush their spirits and throw down their false Gods. We will enforce rights, freedom, and justice. We will be there. Be good, and may your blade always strike true, fellow soldiers of Christ.
Requirements to join
Tier 3 Minimum
Teamspeak 3 required (do not need a mic, just listen)
Mature mannerismWould feel privelleged to assist in the growth of a house
You MUST have steam
Steam is used for quick communicationYou must add either the Leader or Captain on steam to join the official steam group.
Teamspeak 3 details will be given to you once you add either the leader or the captain.
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OKTNI (Invite Only)
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198038400257/ (Leader)
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040185908/ (Captain)
I.Always respect the rules. All members are expected to know the rules and abide by themII.Be nice, be social. There will be ramifications if you act like a jerkweed to anyone else in the group. Don't provoke anyone, and don't say anything if you think it will provoke anyone. Debate is fine, but flame wars = naughty corner
III.Never discriminate religion or race
IV.Be yourself, be nice. Everyone has nice in them >_> so use that trait. Just follow the rules, and don't be too serious all the time. This is not supposed to be super strict, but we don't take kindly to idiots.
Application template
In-game Name: Player ID:
Class: (Tier 2 Min)
Age: (Real life age)
After you post your application, you will be labeled a recruit and undergo a trial period where we get to know you and your skills on the battlefield.
Member List
OKT_Weiner - Pope
OKT_BreadFish - Grand Marshal
OKT_epic_dudeman - Marshal
OKT_Lonesome_II - Marshal
OKT_Hanate - Marshal
OKT_Pickellord - Marshal
OKT_jamesfox - Knight
OKT_Twinblade - Knight
OKT_Necrontyr - Knight
OKT_Mr_Bump - Knight
OKT_Joe - Knight
OKT_ejjjj - Knight
OKT_Timmix - Knight
OKT_Alexander-Teh-Great - Knight
OKT_Rellick - Knight
OKT_Kind_of_Ninja - Squire
OKT_Khergit_Spear_Sister - Squire