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Report soreflow
glitching on roof
Legendary Loots: Illustrious 28th October 2014
I don't have a physical picture of it happening but if you look in the chat of the screenshot, you can see what was happening:

[Image: 1E069F4ED6AA0D73C6765FE0587E8C4A0ABBDC88]
[Image: 2zus.png]
scrolll the picture right and you can see him
I was on roof up to 30 second i dont kill any one and im glitching nice.
we asked u to go down and u said "ok go to admin".
Legendary Loots: Illustrious 28th October 2014
ok i say it but whem u do this screenshot i was downstairs.
its zawisza on this screenshot
soreflow, you are now banned for a week. After that come speak with me to our IRC channel.
Meanwhile you can read our rules.

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