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Is it worth it to equip this class?
Wondering if i should do this i already know it will be after i finish equiping my other characters but even then would it be worth it?
If it is then would i want to go hero of chosen marksman and get a repeater or big shot and a elegant crossbow?
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Worth it. Most expensive class to equip but well worth it in runs.
Don't tell it's the most expensive class to equip... In my opinion it may be the easiest one : As a crossbowman (sharpshooter or not) you can fit many roles, therefore you can equip only very basic stuff (e.g. any sword, a crossbow, any armor, medic boxes) and pick any good item you can find and use it if need be (slashing weapon, field medic box, shield if there are not enough shielders, etc.) Keep that in mind and you will be more useful than non-equipped commandos/snipers/pikemen. The only moderately expensive weapon you must have is an Arbalest. But don't forget that anyway as a versatile character, you will generally make fewer kills than other classes. Unless you have a Repeater crossbow...

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