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Crafted Commando helmets, sugerloaf, visored salet, horned skull, etc.
Does the extra 3 head armor of crafted commando helmets over the grinder helmet, actually prevent head-shot deaths from more types of enemies, has anybody tested this?
on my experience I don't think any of the crafted commando helms will take a headshot on nord rangers.
It will protect you better in melee fights. But headshots are different, sometimes I can survive it with my 40 head armor on my archer leaving it 0,1% of my HP. So I'm surprised your grinder can't take it that has 60. But as I said, headshots dmg seems to be different each time. Don't remember for sure but I think I did survive some headshots with my Swadian Helmet when I owned it.
[Image: dpcfmq0qegd53mozg.jpg]
Loki Kills: 365
Thor Kills: 333
Odin Kills: 263
Prince Kills: 404
King Ragnar Kills: 258

House Crafting: Support 39, Defender 33, Attacker 30
  Alchemist: Lvl 36
Blacksmith: Lvl 21
Armorsmith: Lvl 32
I hope that's wrong.  The other day Reskan was playing in a server with his pikeman and he survived a head shot from a ranger with a nikolskoe helmet which has 42 defense.  My Sugerloaf helmet has 63 defense, meaning it should just about every time save me from a head shot from a ranger.  And I think that i have survived a head shot from a Einherjar Ranger before, Just not every time.  Summery I think it should help.  Or you could just get a Swadian Helm.     
    35 x Armor Plate (0 / 35)
    30 x Strap (0 / 30)
    7 x Oil of Velentr (0 / 7)
    5 x Skull Fragment (0 / 5)
    1 x Relic Fragment (0 / 1)
is the recipe.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q
I've survived head shots with my old Open Trooper Helm, surely a grinder should be able to handle it. The extra armor points reduce the damage in melee, which is beneficial in certain moments where you are on the brink of death.

in my experience it will help. Like Nka said it before, the strength of the shot could be different each time. But I guess a ranger don't headshoted me (I have the visored salet). When you see an arrow in your armor and the damage it do, then Im sure every infantry survive headshots from ranger (einherjar deal much more damage). In my opinion often you dont assume it was a headshot, but if you cant find any arrow in your armor and you have only 1/3 or 1/4 of your life, then it was a headshot. But you get easily a headshot if you are already hitted. Thats how I got this topic.

Another information: Tappo got a headshot from a ranger and survived several times with a rus helm (lower armor from helmet then me but more health helbardier). Im sure it was a headshot because I saw the arrow in his face...    ;D

perhaps it helps...

greetings Lupo
This probably isn't relevant to this case in particular but i survived a headshot from a veteran huscarl axe as a marauder and with a black sturmhaube a few days ago which is only like 42 head armor so i would think commando can survive ranger shot with 63 head armor but best advice id give ya is... Get a shield and use it, means less headshots especially if u pay attention ti the nord ranged if u see one aiming at u or there is a lot out the (particularly in the end waves of normal and all of hard and rag they pile up outside of the cades) or if u see a lot out there i would pull out my shield if i was a slasher and wait for some of them to die off or switch to melee
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