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In Defense Of Fellowship, Goodwill, And A Little More Free Speech
  The last and only time I've posted on this forum (though having played the game for a while) was about a report that was placed on me for language that could possibly be and was misconstrued as racist language. I'll go on to explain why I say misconstrued but first I'd like to explain why I'm making this post. I've come under fire a handful, or less, times as a result of the language I use that to some people can be offensive albeit more that I know do not find it so. I'd like to defend my views and attempt to make a suggestion that I find could at least change a few people's minds but otherwise loosen up the rules in-game concerning said language.
  One other thing I'd like to mention is that I am of a mixed English, Scottish, and Native American descent who speaks both English and French and have always been an advocate of equality for both people of different ethnic backgrounds and sexualities. I will use words as of now deemed racist for sake of the arguement respectfully in my effort to have people take a tendency to finding these words less racist. I would appreciate for everyone to begin reading this post without bias so as to be able to fully understand my points and such, thank you.
  So, as I'd mentioned earlier I've taken flak from players in the game mostly due to language rules in place on the servers and people, albeit in limited number, have taken to discouraging me from using said language. I've used the word "nigga" (put in quotes to signify here the importance of the word) on a server and been reported, which was the last post I made in response, and have also made some "jew" (quotes once more used to the same effect) puns, something I do frequently with my friends. These puns and comments were directed in good humour to my friends and after all, I'm trying to entertain instead of offend. So, as is evident already from my post, it isn't that I don't quite think these words are racist but that I don't think we should let them be racist. I'll use the word "faggot" as an example, a word that has been bastardized into a homophobic slur. I don't tend to level that insult at people as a result of the lack of creativity it involves and the fact that it isn't a particularly intelligent term in the first place. That being said I follow the same principle with this word, theoretically, as wih the words "nigga" and "jew" in that I never use them aggressively or in an insulting fashion and don't agree with people who do so as I do with anti-Native American terms like "Wahoo," "Wagon Burner," and "Redskin." (Which I also liberally throw around, not like I don't have the right to, being Native American anyway.)
  I do find there is an issue with the language but only in a abusive context. I don't agree with people who verbally assault or attempt to do so using these words against them as then it becomes derogatory and disgraceful, racist so to speak. Earlier in the post I mentioned that I am a strong advocate for all forms of equality regardless of circumstance and not only does that speak for itself but when combined with the knowledge that I use this language regularly in real life I think it makes a stronger statement.
  There is a reason I believe in using this language however, the word faggot never used to be an anti-homosexual term and infact used to mean something completely unrelated, a branch or bundle of twigs. The term gay used to mean happy or carefree as opposed to slang for a homosexual. People used these words to this effect and now they're accepted as being slang for homosexuals in the modern western world, therefore the same principle in reverse would theoretically be possible and not just possible but something in the works right now. In hip-hop culture aswell as by many other African-American youths the term "nigga" is passed around casually to humourous effect or something otherwise respectful or neutral. This behaviour is something that, if it continues, means part of real racism dies. Not just the misconstrued language that people like to be offended by because it makes them feel better, racism in the process of being abolished from real life.
  People like myself, being Native American in Canada, have been subject to racism in the civilian world and on the legal and government side of things. Regardless of the benefits we receive we are still being discriminated against and yet I don't moan or complain, not to imply that anyone else does, but I also accept this language and think it could do with being used a little more freely in the name of equality.
  In closing to anyone who made it this far, thank you for reading this post and I hope that if you weren't already thinking this way you are now, I could bring up more points and examples but I feel this is where this post should end. I'm interested to see the discussion surrounding this and I encourage people to constructively respond to this post. Again, thank you.
Just dont use those words? Why the hell make an discussion about words that a large majority of the world deem either racist or improper? I do see that your trying to defend using these words, but then just Call you an asshole, since that is just the slang of your ass hole.
But really i have nothing against the word jew, but the word nigga has just been misused for such a long time, that it is still considered racist.
Keep the current rules and use ur Brain before you write something
Just because you are of a certain ethnicity, pulling the race card to defend your use of words deemed inappropriate by society, is just stupid.

Society says they are inappropriate.
It doesn't matter what you say.

Even though I don't care either way, it doesn't change this.
Insults are defined by the recipient. We maintain an open and inclusive environment for all players. There is a line between insult and friendly jibe but if you are just proclaiming statements like that on servers then you clearly have no respect for it. The Admins and players of NI do a pretty good job in figuring out the difference, so I just don't see where the issue is.

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