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WTK zwei
what waves to switch from cutting to blunt to maximize dps on hard and rag anyone know?
lvl52 RED_ThrowingFitz
lvl52 RED_Fitz

Dragon axe 3/21/2015
Deadshot 3/30/2015

the eagle isnt for sale unless somehow i end up with penetrator+onyx so dont bother pming
hmmm wave 6, wave 14, wave 16, wave 20 on rag

These are the waves that i tend to switch to blunt weapons, but thats just me Smile
Don't suicide yourself. Bradapple 07/01/2015

And last thing im gonna say is dont make my point to another way. - Gandhi
Hard : Wave 12, 14 , 16 and 20 (IMO)
For Hard, you should probably stay on cut for wave 14 if they're Entranced Berserkers. Cut also does fine for wave 16. Just remember to aim for the head when you're slashing (except against Spawn of Loki and the bosses with high head armor).
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma
I generally don't switch from cut weapons on anything but bosses. While a blunt weapon might in some situations do more, (besides bosses) it's never that much of a difference for me to switch. I tend to stick with a faster and longer weapon.
I was never here, you saw nothing...

Motivational tip: When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say confidently, "That's a nice head you have on your shoulders."
On certain waves i will always use a hammer. 

Wave 6 Rag, wave 12 Hard, wave 14 rag maybe, wave 16 hard and rag, wave 20 both as well.  It mostly has to do with bots that have shields. 

If there is a EK lying around i will use it on all other waves.  If there is not I will just use the hammer on all.  However the Hammer I have is the Mjonir so keep that in mind.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q

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