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I'm not sure if they are better than CTS ???
Maybe someone could help me and discuss the pros and Cons  Big Grin
Pros: none

Cons: they're shit
Brilliant for legionnaire. .. not so much for pikeman
Don't suicide yourself. Bradapple 07/01/2015

And last thing im gonna say is dont make my point to another way. - Gandhi
(22-03-2015, 11:47 AM)Soviet link Wrote: Pros: none

Cons: they're shit
Legendary Loots: 83

I am a Master Peltast and i have to say that VHTA are not so good than CTS in my opinion.
23.2.15 - Naval Glaive
08.3.15 - Naval Glaive
16.3.15 - Fearsome Knight Helmet
29.4.17 - Volcanic Daggers
29.5.18 - Rupturers
03.2.25 - Impervious
14.2.25 - Tiger Scale Armour
16.2.25 - Lionhide Boots

Fara: ''The World Trade Center was on 11.9.1998''

Fara: ''How old were you in 2012?''
Tonic: ''I was born in 1997''
Fara: ''So you were 17''
Is there something better than cts which is under 6m?
(22-03-2015, 12:06 PM)Elmo link Wrote: Brilliant for legionnaire. .. not so much for pikeman

Really?  I used them extensively until I got ruptures.  Have any of you who have respond so far actually used them on a pikeman?  I will say they are great.  1 shooting more enemies to the head than CTS do. 

IF you hate axes,  There is the pilum and skullpierce for the same price as VHTA.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q
(22-03-2015, 04:20 PM)Sargent Q link Wrote: Really?  I used them extensively until I got ruptures.  Have any of you who have respond so far actually used them on a pikeman?  I will say they are great.  1 shooting more enemies to the head than CTS do. 
Yes, I used them on my Pikeman and I have to say it is a bit strange, cause I had the feeling that you do not hit them as often through there shields as CTS do. But if you have a free aim for their head, then Ihave to say that they are quite good for kiting, but if you just use them on full servers then I would go for Skullpierce or Pilum as Sargent Q said.
[Image: Tarbs.jpg]
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"What do you call the german Secret Service? -  SS" - not telling
I used VHTA both on Legionnaire and Peltast. For Legio it's a nice weapon, one can hold 45 of them + shield and switch to 1H mode if needed. So if you take into consideration you don't need to spend money on 1H, VHTA are both convenient and cheap choice.
However, I don't use them on Peltast. Aim is simply no good (despite stats) as VHTA have power throw requirement while other throwables have none. So I do prefer Pilum here, CTS is same as good at half the price. Pilum travel faster and aim a bit better while more drop on CTS proves helpful when you throw over shielders or obstacle. Pilum are also much lighter (to be taken into consideration for movement speed while kiting).

My advice is: if for Peltast, go for CTS or if money is no problem - for Pilum.

PS. Skulpierce is no good IMO, aims bad and doesn't pierce shields. Only advantage is quantity.
(23-03-2015, 11:48 AM)Bobo link Wrote: I used VHTA both on Legionnaire and Peltast. For Legio it's a nice weapon, one can hold 45 of them + shield and switch to 1H mode if needed. So if you take into consideration you don't need to spend money on 1H, VHTA are both convenient and cheap choice.
However, I don't use them on Peltast. Aim is simply no good (despite stats) as VHTA have power throw requirement while other throwables have none. So I do prefer Pilum here, CTS is same as good at half the price. Pilum travel faster and aim a bit better while more drop on CTS proves helpful when you throw over shielders or obstacle. Pilum are also much lighter (to be taken into consideration for movement speed while kiting).

My advice is: if for Peltast, go for CTS or if money is no problem - for Pilum.

PS. Skulpierce is no good IMO, aims bad and doesn't pierce shields. Only advantage is quantity.
Skullpierce is pretty good on marauder and Halberdier as it does pierce shields and it is good and fast at close to medium range but pilum outshines Skullpierce at long range though
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