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House error
Hello developers

I created a house a week ago (Nowar) and a problem appeared. I forgot to read the “small text” and did not se that the leader needed a minimum of 250fp’s. My leader had 160 or something. This has costed me 20 000gold and the house has not been created. Will it be created as the leader gets a full amount of fp?

I tryed to join Dark_Empire today but as i pressed accept to the invitasion, nothing happened. Hope this can be fixed.


Character ID please.
[align=center][Image: birdtalon.png]
Were do i find the Character ID?
Read the thread link I posted.
[align=center][Image: birdtalon.png]
This number was at the end of my refferal code: 21623
I have added you to DARK EMPIRE
[align=center][Image: birdtalon.png]
Thanks Smile

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