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Dragons Breath scabbard
Just wondering, why is there no scabbard for Dragons Breath? It always bugs me when I use them, Pilum's has a great scabbard.  :'(

Is this the wrong thread for this? If so sorry. I didn't think it belonged to feature request.

Is someone working on this? I have done modeling and texturing in the past and could do it if no one else is working on it.  8)


Loots: Loots are not real, just a lie made up by the devs to keep us playing. I will believe them when I loot something!
No one is currently doing this, feel free to try and share what you come up with Smile
(25-01-2016, 08:34 PM)faceless link Wrote: Just wondering, why is there no scabbard for Dragons Breath? It always bugs me when I use them, Pilum's has a great scabbard.  :'(

Is this the wrong thread for this? If so sorry. I didn't think it belonged to feature request.

Is someone working on this? I have done modeling and texturing in the past and could do it if no one else is working on it.  8)

well, what kind of design were you looking for? a bag of throwing spears like native's javelins or pilum's spear holder? same color scheme? showing the spears or not? etc etc.
if you have problem of the model variety send it to winter xen winter me winter me xen me winter because it'll piss him off

i dont love the idea of changing those.
Maybe make a cloud that followed the player carrying twigs Smile (Tsuki likes this idea)
Deerheart: Royal ShielDeer | Eikthyrnir: Antlered Legionnaire | Cernunnos: Pavise ShielDeer | CerynianHind: Master of Pelts | Hart_Or: HalberDeer | Furcifer: Warden of the Wood
(25-01-2016, 09:36 PM)Deer link Wrote: i dont love the idea of changing those.
Maybe make a cloud that followed the player carrying twigs Smile (Tsuki likes this idea)

I like this idea too, but banners already get in the way. Imagine clouds everywhere + that.

08/25/15 - Bulwark of Swadia
08/25/15 - Dwarf Axe
11/27/15 - Fell Edge
With the short length of the dragons breath, it could potentially be sheathed in the same place a sword would be. Like a small bag attached to the hip.
Looted A Frying Pan 11/25/14
[Image: tbavTdE.jpg]

[Image: k-942504w.jpg]

Maybe something maybe in the style of this would work. Smaller and thinner going down from your hip and the side of your leg. Instead of solid side pieces of wood it would be pieces linked together
[Image: 76561198056190414.png]
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(25-01-2016, 11:06 PM)Aggro link Wrote: [Image: k-942504w.jpg]

Maybe something maybe in the style of this would work. Smaller and thinner going down from your hip and the side of your leg. Instead of solid side pieces of wood it would be pieces linked together

looks like something i dry my clothes on...
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maybe that whole thing could be attached to your back like the pilums >.<
[Image: siivDCv.jpg?1]
December 20th, 2015 Impervious
February 8th, 2018 Gothic gauntlets
December 20th, 2019 Fang of Fenrir
I really dont like the idea maybe if it was small and were arrows or bolts go (not black arrows) but still like it the way it is.

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