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NordInvasion Event AU edition Feb 29th PUBLIC RUN
Welcome to the NordInvasion Official Event thread, this is where you'll find information, rules and more about the upcoming events.
Usual rules apply, you break them you'll get kicked with a possible ban from future official events.
We'll only have 1 server and server mode will be decided before the event until then here are the possible game mode options and their requirements.

We will all gather in a dedicated channel in the NordInvasion Teamspeak (, 15-20 minutes before the event begins. (This is required for the event, a microphone however is not unless you wish to be captain.)

Event times:
8:00PM Australian EASTERN Standard time

Please use the below application form to apply located in the spoiler, this will garentee you a spot and guarantee the position/role you'd like to do information on roles located here)

Application format:
Depending on the numbers we may need extra Captains so please state if you wish to take the lead - you will be responsible for organising the defences,
managing the team and also assigning medals to the players that you think deserve them (again, check the thread mentioned above for more information).

While this is a PUBLIC run, Australian/New Zealand/Oceanic players are preferred as this is all about trying to spark some activity in the AU servers.

I can't force people to leave who are not Australian so if you sign up on this thread and you are Australian, you will be put on a priority list. For now we only have 17 slots. So be quick.

Signed up Members:
1. DB_Jugg
2. Dragonfire
3. Woody
4. Danite
5. Carter
6. KingsWarden_
7. Rowan
8. Razor
9. Nirwen
10. Floyd EU
11. Keru
12. Maniura

Other region players will be added to the list closer too the event. If there are spaces available. If not the order they signed up will resemble their position on the reserves list.
Also, this will most likely be a NORMAL run unless we get enough high level players to do the run. (Will be atleast 1x Normal run for people that are lower than 32.)
Loots - 8
Character Name: Dragonfire
Level: 52
Class: Master Peltast or RG
Support Class: Master Surgeon, Siege Engineer
Support Items: SHC, Surgeon Kit
Equipment: Sunpike, Aegis Shield, DWP
Map/Mode: Any, any
Role: Shielder or Skirmisher
Volunteer to be Captain?: (Optional) NO
Region AU/NA/EU/Other: AU
A loot a year keeps the interested here

I do maps btw lol
Volunteer to be Captain?: Yep. maybe with mic even..

Character Name:[LK]WoodyZwei,Royal,Legion
Equipment: Eastern Katana,Mjolnir,Bulwark of Swadia,Dragon Axe
Character Name:[LK]WoodyWarden,Ranger
Equipment: Stag Bow,Elmwood Arrows,Eastern Katana
Character Name:[LK]WoodyMaster,Halb
Equipment: Naval Glaive,Jormungandr,Dragon Breath
Character Name:[LK]WoodyChampion
Equipment: Eagle Crossbow,Onyx Bolts,Fell Edge,Tower Shield

Support Items: Barrel Wall Same on all
Role: Master of the AFK carry
Character Name:  SA_Danite/SA_Adaliah (Danite for HM, Adaliah for Normal)
Level: 43/32
Class: Commando/Heavy longbowmen
Support Class: N/A
Support Items: Baricade
Equipment: SKS, Grosse Messer, Flamberge
Map/Mode: Any, Any
Role: Shielder/Slasher or Ranged
Volunteer to be Captain?: (Optional) No
Region AU/NA/EU/Other: AU
Legendary Loots 

05/05/18 Volundr Great Sword
Character Name:  [LK]Carter_Commando
Level: 48
Class: Commando
Support Class: Engineer
Support Items: Barricade
Equipment: Bad stuffs, and heavy lamellar armor
Map/Mode: any, any
Role: Slasher
Volunteer to be Captain?: (Optional) no
Region AU/NA/EU/Other: AU
August 2015 - Barbutte with Coif
July 2019 - Leather Overmail
Character Name:  KingsWarden_
Support Class: builder
Support Items: Shc
Equipment: ss , bear , wormbane
Map/Mode: any
Role: sniper
Volunteer to be Captain?: nah
Region AU/NA/EU/Other: Au

Contacted on steam, unable to sign up him self due to only being on Mobile.
Loots - 8
Character Name:  Rowan_II
Level: 47
Class: Pikeman
Support Class: Engineer
Support Items: N/A
Equipment: Jarids
Map/Mode: Any, Rag/Hard
Role: Throwing
Volunteer to be Captain?: (Optional)
Region AU/NA/EU/Other: AU
Legendary Loots:
Zephyr - 14/6/2016
Illustrious - 01/02/2025
Character Name: Floyd
Level: 52
Class:Chosen Marksman
Support Class: Master Surgeon
Support Items: Tome, Field Medic Kit
Equipment: Bigshot
Map/Mode: Praven/Hard
Volunteer to be Captain?: (Optional) NO
Region AU/NA/EU/Other: EU
Character Name:  SPQR_keru_zwei
Level: 52
Class: zwei
Support Class: siege engineer
Support Items: SHC
Equipment: steel crusader
Map/Mode: caravan, praven, great hall/Rag
Role: attacker (slasher)
Volunteer to be Captain?: no
Region: EU
Character Name: NID_Razor
Level: 52
Class: Commando
Support Class: Siege Engineer
Support Items: Barricade
Equipment: Pigface, Trans, Butcher
Map/Mode: Praven/Hard
Role: Healer / Slasher
Volunteer to be Captain?: No
Region AU/NA/EU/Other: AU

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