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Guidance Required [updated June 2016]
Hello My Nord Slaying Brothers

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I am new to NI, I have just got to my first Hero, which is a Legionnaire. I choose Legionnaire because I like to flip roles often, so I can shield/slash and use ranged weapons.

I am trying to decide on what to get next for my character. I do like team play a lot, so I was thinking of getting either a SHC or a high tier shield. I don't think a ranged weapon is a good idea either because there is always someone with cts or pilums so I just pick up theirs if there is no shielder or slasher spot.

Any advice on moving forward? I have 500K at the moment.

Grosse Messer
Rounded Heather Shield
Great Sword
Deployable Shield Set 3
Great Helm
Vaegir Elite Armour
plate Mittens
Light Highlander Boots.

Remember I am new, acronyms mean nothing to me!

Can someone explain the difference in the shields, like royal/aegis/ resistance. Stats/cost.

I now have Better EQ on my Legionnaire, but I want to progress the character further.
Swadian Resilience
Very Heavy Throwing Axe
Steel Crusader's Greatsword
Wall Barricade/SHC
Defender Helm
Defender Gaunts
Trans Armour
Swad Boots (<-- Thanks Darklit!)
War horse

Everything is at least some shade of blue anyway. Where do i go from here without getting into insane money? I have 1mil atm. I have no loots so i cannot get the higher teir armours. I was thinking I should upgrade my shield to the next level, whatever that is.

So, whats the next shield up that a Legio can use? Is it impervious? Also how much do these shields cost?
Should I go for something other than a Shield?

Any advice would be very much appreciated.


Loots: Loots are not real, just a lie made up by the devs to keep us playing. I will believe them when I loot something!
I would get a better support item like a Short Heavy Barricade. Then you may want to go for a better weapon, maybe a Vengeance, or a Steel Cutter. After these things are aquired, get yourself a better armour set(Striped, Swadian Heavy Lam), and shield(Swadian Kite Shield, if you can afford, a Royal).
[Image: 76561198069110595.png]

Dragon Halberd
Thanos Legacy
Studded Gauntlets
Vagabond Helmet

| darklit | Esox | Isoptera | Bombina | Branta | Agnus | Caridea| Hyla |
What Darklit Said.

Also about the Shields:  Royal shield is better than the SKS and other shields in that tier as well as usable by Commando. 

Aegis is a house crafted Royal Guard only shield.

Resilience which is what i believe you were also asking about is a house crafted Commando shield, and second best shield (with 2 others) for commando. 

Currently crafting cost Royal is about 2.5 mil, Buying cost its about 2 mil. 

Aegis crafting or Buying is about 3 Mil, but again Not usable by Legionnaire.

Resilience Which is the shield I use on my Legionnaire is about the same as Aegis.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q
Aegis Shield is locked for Royal Guard hero class only but you can use a Swadian Studded Steel Shield (SSSS), Swadian Resilience (Which is basically a board Shield size wise, Royal Shield, or Small Dragon Kite Shield.
For weapons a great weapon I've seen legionnaires use to throw and slash is very heavy throwing axes (vhta) or the craftable legionnaire swords which are all pretty expensive
Ancient Greatsword - 2015-08-27
Fang of Fenrir x2 - 2015-10-15
Volundr Greatsword - 2024-06-06
Naval Glaive - 2024-06-08
Rebellion - 2024-06-08
Steel Stinger - 2024-06-27
Penetrator - 2024-07-10
Dragon Bolts - 2024-07-12
Malice - 2024-08-03
Dellingr's Hands - 2024-12-08
Twigs of Yggdrasil - 2024-12-27
Barbutte with Coif - 2024-12-29
Jormungandr - 2024-12-29

Looking at your current equipment, it looks like those above me are a few priceranges too high. Tongue
I'd go for a Steel Sword (40k-ish), a Swadian Kite Shield/Large Kite Shield (about 40k as well, I guess?), and a Grinder Helmet, for about 80k. Those are currently some of the cheapest upgrades you can get that are worth it. Going for a support item is important, so definitely consider getting a Short Heavy Barricade if you're an Engineer, though I'd personally go for the other items first.
I was never here, you saw nothing...

Motivational tip: When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say confidently, "That's a nice head you have on your shoulders."
Here's the list of gear you should be going for.  It is all crafted, but it is the least expensive for the most gain.  I will list the general price ranges as well (these prices do change due to fluctuations in price for the base materials needed for crafting)

Steel Sword: 30-40k
Swadian Kite Shield: 30-40k
Iron Mace: Marketplace 2h, 5640g *this weapon is OP for the price.  Crushthru and knockdown o_0
Striped/Swadian Heavy Lamellar(body armor): 3-400k
Short Heavy Barricade:  ~350k

        This is the basic equipment I recommend for any low budget hero class.  While the armor and weapons will be helpful, I HIGHLY suggest going for the short heavy barricade first.  It will require t4 engineer (not sure if you've leveled support yet) and is indispensable for hard and rag mode.
        Once you have all the listed gear you could start looking at better helmets.  The grinder helm is pretty inexpensive (~50k) and is a slight upgrade to the t4 marketplace helms.  For a better upgrade there are a few t4 craftable helms (Pigface, Sugarloaf, Hornskull, and Visored Salet) which all run at ~300k.  After getting all of the low priced "budget" crafted items you can start looking at some of the more expensive options that people above have mentioned. 
    Just for reference here is the "standard" t4/hero gear for more wealthy players:
Transitional Armor: ~2mil
Swadian Gauntlets: ~1mil
Royal Shield: ~2mil
Swadian Boots: ~600k
1h such as Vengeance or Steel Cutter: ~300k
T4 crafted helm (listed above): ~300k

As you can see, there is quite a difference in price Tongue 

In regard to your question about the shields and their differences, it's fairly simple.  All of the t4 commando house crafted shields (small dragon kite, studded steel shield, resilience) are all very similar.  They each trade off different stats such as armor, HP, and size, but in the end they all will hold up to about the same number of hits.  The Aegis is slightly better than these three and is locked to Royal Guard and Pavise Champion.  The Royal shield is slightly worse than these three and is ~1mil less expensive to buy. 

Hope you find this mini-guide helpful Wink 
More Guidance Needed!

Loots: Loots are not real, just a lie made up by the devs to keep us playing. I will believe them when I loot something!
The legendary shields cost around 20 mill some more than others
Armor i could reccomend you get Milanese plate which is legio locked
A loot a year keeps the interested here

I do maps btw lol
The weakest item that you have is your 2hander. This will cost some money. There are a few options though. 

Heavy Warhammer, around 2.2mil, for the cost effective option

or go to straight to Stone Maul at around 5mil.

You could also go with a sword which is more useful on more waves as it has higher swing speed.

Aurora Blade 5mil.

Elegant Greatsword 5-6mil.

and the rest. I've just listed my preferred weapons. There are plenty of others that I'm sure people will list. None of the weapons I've listed will be class locked. They will be useable on all commando.

Choices are up to you. Again, that's the weakest piece in your lineup. Every other upgrade will cost quite a bit. You've done quite well for yourself so far as you have almost a full blue set. Think about getting a slashing weapon now as that's the teal weapon you have.
MP - Warden - Sentinel - Zwei - Pavise - RG - Halbradier

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(02-06-2016, 12:13 PM)DragonFire1 Wrote: The legendary shields cost around 20 mill some more than others
Armor i could reccomend you get Milanese plate which is legio locked

Damn, 20 mil is bit much for me, as a casual gamer my only hope for a shield upgrade is a loot then. i would like Milanese plate, but at the price of 6-10mil its not worth the one point amour bump. Probably would be better off getting better gauntlets. Thanks for the input DragonFire1!

(02-06-2016, 05:18 PM)Sharmastyle Wrote: The weakest item that you have is your 2hander. This will cost some money. There are a few options though. 

Heavy Warhammer, around 2.2mil, for the cost effective option

or go to straight to Stone Maul at around 5mil.

You could also go with a sword which is more useful on more waves as it has higher swing speed.

Aurora Blade 5mil.

Elegant Greatsword 5-6mil.

and the rest. I've just listed my preferred weapons. There are plenty of others that I'm sure people will list. None of the weapons I've listed will be class locked. They will be useable on all commando.

Choices are up to you. Again, that's the weakest piece in your lineup. Every other upgrade will cost quite a bit. You've done quite well for yourself so far as you have almost a full blue set. Think about getting a slashing weapon now as that's the teal weapon you have.

HWH is my wishlist. I usually bring 1 VHTA and 2 Res into most games, especially on Rag. The Steel Crusader is really only for fun on Normal or as a slash on hard if no one has anything better. AB might be perfect, I could get pilums then as well instead of the VHTA. I like to try and be a utility player, so i can be has helpful as possible, because right now I can bring walls,shields,throwables/decent 1h into any run. Adding a good 2h would round it all off nicely. I think I will go for the AB, but if I get sick of saving ill just get the HWH.

Besides, the mod is likely coming to the end of its life anyway, Bannerlord should be released in Q4, and hopefully we will get a basic NI by Q1 2017. So yeah, I don't really feel like grinding too much for the 10+mil items when we will all get a full reset in 6 months anyway Big Grin
Thanks for the Advice Sharma.

Loots: Loots are not real, just a lie made up by the devs to keep us playing. I will believe them when I loot something!

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