Hey guys long time no see(well at least in here

). I was working on an armor. I'm doing a highpoly mesh right now, will need to make a lowpoly one and then do some baking, so this will take some time.
Notes about the model:
- Its just an highpoly mesh (right now it has around 250k faces-quads-), so the actual model will look way worse

- Its using environment map(the one warband uses) for real time reflections for "more" metalic looks and just a simple material color. I kinda managed to get this thing work on some of my other models in warband by playing with material settings in openbrf, but somehow this real-time "fake" reflections destroys the normal map's strenght :/. Not sure what to do, maybe i wont use reflections.
- I tried to model it part by part and made some modifications on the model to be able to import it in warband easier(if i can ever manage to do this lol). So for example, the shoulder guards were actually bigger(way bigger) but got modified to fit like some of the native warband armors.
- I'm still not sure how to do rigging(since i suck at it) and even if i will manage it, i'm not even sure if i can import the lowpoly model with weightpaints in-game. I remember seeing copying rigging from other models into imported ones(or maybe i was just day-dreaming lol), maybe i can try something like that.
- This is a personal work, so it can be or can not be in NI even if its done and working in warband, its not up to me to decide.
- It will take lots of time to finish, thats for sure

Here is the "render":
I can gladly take any feedbacks about this one(or any other model

). Thanks for checking
