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Ethics and Being a Good Person
Hello everyone, I felt like I needed to post this in order to bring attention to some of the actions and words that are said throughout NI that damages the community and creates a less than friendly atmosphere. These are going to be some things that I picked up in my time playing that I would say need to change.

1) Loots:
a)This has become a large issue in the past few months. I have been seeing time and time again. When someone loots something, people constantly get upset, are complaining that it wasn't them, or that the loot was undeserved. Instead of feeling bad for yourself and jealous of them, try to feel happy for them. I know this is hard to do sometimes, but think, if I were them, how would I feel?
b) This opposite of the previous scenario is also true. If you loot something, do not rub it in everyone's face every five minutes. It's great that you looted something, but your gloating feeds into the problem of the first scenario.

2) Be Humble
If you are a rich player, and you constantly talk about what trades you did, and what gear you have, and how much a certain item is worth, please stop. It is okay to quickly mention a specific trade or item you got, but do not make it the hallmark of all of your conversations. It makes many other not as wealthy players feel bad as well as creates an elitist attitude stigma that is attached to all of the wealthy players in NI.

3) Superiority/Inferiority Complex
What I am about to talk about is relegated to a small segment of the NI community that makes the other parts look bad. What I have been seeing in some cases, are rich people looking down onto less wealthy people like they do not know how to play the game. THIS is the elitist attitude that some people have been talking about in recent months. I would urge people to look onto every other player in the community as their equal. If you see someone doing something that isn't the smartest thing in the world, or is something an inexperienced player would be doing, instead of reporting them or calling them stupid in chat, tell them what they did wrong and tell them the correct way to do it. Everyone in the community has to be willing to teach less skilled players certain aspects of the game so the community gets stronger as a whole. So to sum up this long segment, treat everyone in the community as your equal and do not correlate their wealth to their NI abilities. In addition, be willing to teach new players, and explain their mistakes and how they can do better on the battlefield.

Thanks for reading this, and I hope that this makes you, and the people around you, better people in the community to make it a better place for all. 

Eastern Katana (2016)
Studded Gauntlets (2019)
Volcanic Daggers (2019)
Heavy Salet (2023)

!!Former!! Guardian of Swadian Helium Stores
FV_CaptOle, ObviouslySomebodyOriginal, [LH]MajOle, FV_Best_Zwei_NA, Mike_Pence, Not_Jennifer, Triggered_Potato

Some good points, but you also missed/ignored some points. I get upset a lot when I see others looting. When it´s the same guys over and over again. (only not if it´s Nka Tongue)
Or when it´s people I dislike. Back in the day when kiting was still a thing (Nka and me are totally not kiting anymore, kiting is dead) players used to join you when you just wanted to play alone or with a friend. As a lot of the veterans or "elitists" used to kite, they probably still see the newbies as an annoying pack that´s just gonna be carried and might even get loot for that. Just felt like adding that.
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2025.03.03)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
This is not a new problem and it not going to change as some people will loot so much in so little time when others that have so much hours and only have 0-1+ loots. 

For the people that think about Faravin or others getting about 1 every 1k is not that abnormal but getting loot very close together like 250 hours ye that can be very annoying for some people. I know as i got some people that were not to happy when i looted as all my loots are very close to each other.

Be Humble
Ni is hard if you're starting when other games you can have the best gear in a Days/Weeks Vs Ni were Nka and Xen are not even there yet. 
People in most servers atm there is 1 or more 'rich' people there. So when a noob ask how much is that 5m+ item etc is do you want me to say the truth or go with 100k? 

Talking in game about trades well can't we do that? like really more than half of this game to people is about trading/gear/Loot!.

Superiority/Inferiority Complex
Well sorry to say if you have a ss bow and bronze arrows vs stag and black who would you trust in judgment in general stuff like cades,maps... most people that have good gear have a idea on how this game works. (not how i think just saying how some others will) 

It is very easy to wipe on any game mode so that doesn't shock me at all as out of 100s of rich people some act that way.  

Come to think of it how come i have not see any of this?  other than 'Loots'
You've been talking to Ferax a lot lately haven't you ole? Big Grin
add me on Steam~

        1175 hours, no loots yet Confused
(20-07-2016, 04:10 PM)Woody Wrote: Come to think of it how come i have not see any of this?  other than 'Loots'


08/25/15 - Bulwark of Swadia
08/25/15 - Dwarf Axe
11/27/15 - Fell Edge
In my opinion people should just get thicker skin, its a game after all.
The idea that i should have to censor my self to not hurt new players feeling is silly.
My Steam
Loot:                           M/D/Y
Twig of Yggdrasil - 8/10/2012
Sun Pike - 9/9/2014
Dragon Helm - 1/10/2015
Jormungandr - 2/26/2016
(20-07-2016, 06:45 PM)Monstersti Wrote: In my opinion people should just get thicker skin, its a game after all.
The idea that i should have to censor my self to not hurt new players feeling is silly.

100% agreed. Also isn't there already an etiquette guide stating all this?
If someone is shittalking newer players I will report them, but censoring talk about trades or wealth for the sake of protected feelings isn't something I expect or want others to do. If someone has more money than me, so be it, that's just a fact of the game and that they played longer than you.

Looted A Frying Pan 11/25/14
[Image: tbavTdE.jpg]

(20-07-2016, 06:45 PM)Monstersti Wrote: In my opinion people should just get thicker skin, its a game after all.

For alot of people,this game seems more then just "a game" sinking 10k hours into it already tells it.

They say im a devil, but they haven´t seen the true Fire burning.

[Image: 76561198004611878.png]

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