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1.2.10 Client Release
1.2.10 Client Release
  • Added new quest for beginner mode called 'Welcome to NordInvasion!', this gives new players a chance to work towards a set of armour to help them through the early levels.
  • Fixed number of bots in Normal mode. Hard and Ragnarok bot spawning has also been adjusted:
    • Wave 11 and 13 had a 10% bot reduction.
    • Wave 15, 17 and 19 had a 20% bot reduction.
  • Added 2 new legendaries ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Added dark variant to the Steel Gauntlets.
  • Added new Commando warpick to the marketplace.
  • Changed Fulcrum armour model.
  • Gave the Swadian helmet the long awaited change.
  • Swapped Sarranid marketplace armours with new armours.
  • Map updates...
    • Swadian Mines (added back to rotation)

Additional notes:

Terath is now part of the Developer team, thanks to his hard work along side myself and Winter we have decided that he deserves the position. For those who don't know Terath has been helping us with models for quite a long time now and has done a really good job with all the work he has done and we appreciate that immensely.

Cavalry mode is in the works.

- Xen and the NI Team.
[Image: Untitled-1.gif]
RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024
"time is money jaja and loot" - Blame
Steel warpick usable by everyone
Looted A Frying Pan 11/25/14
[Image: tbavTdE.jpg]

Isn't the new Steel Warpick usable by Commando? (at least that's what char website says...)
IMO the Swadian Helmet was the best looking one, I'm eager to see how it changed. Please, post a sceen somebody who owns one.

Thanks for another update and gratz to Terath upon joining the Devs Smile
New armor set
Thanks Woody. The new Swadian looks pretty nice, though I myself prefer the old one :/
(19-08-2016, 06:23 AM)Bobo Wrote: Thanks Woody. The new Swadian looks pretty nice, though I myself prefer the old one :/

Ye idk how i feel about it but it not bad just the old one was fine maybe Open Tropper is why it was changed.

Stats of new armor 

Head Armor24

Body Armor25
Leg Armor10

Leg Armor17

Usable by Everyone
Congratulations to T on getting the D.

Thank the merciful heavens that Fulcrum finally doesn't look terrible. Like really, all of the new Sarranid things look awesome and you guys should go get them so you can look cool too.

Yay more warpicks.

Yay more dark things so I can be the edgelord I've always dreamed of being.

Yay bot reductions so the game is even easier.

Yay for the cool new noob armor that has become part of Terath's obsession with nooby equipment models Tongue

Nice patch guys, I look forward to people finding some of the looong list of legendaries that are awaiting discovery. Good luck with Cavalry mode :3
(18-08-2016, 11:54 PM)Xen Wrote: [*]Fixed number of bots in Normal mode. Hard and Ragnarok bot spawning has also been adjusted:
  • Wave 11 and 13 had a 10% bot reduction.
  • Wave 15, 17 and 19 had a 20% bot reduction.

Why are we just now getting a nerf?
I would almost say that there should be a increase in difficulty considering how well geared a lot of players are.
My Steam
Loot:                           M/D/Y
Twig of Yggdrasil - 8/10/2012
Sun Pike - 9/9/2014
Dragon Helm - 1/10/2015
Jormungandr - 2/26/2016
Congrats Terath!

~CM~Banshee              Juggernaut
~CM~Shadowknight      Pavise Champion
~CM~Shadowrunner     Master Peltast
~CM~TheGreatNoob     Warden
~CM~Redshirt              Legionaire
~CM~Naizhax              Repeaterman

26th June 2015            Ullrs Bane
(19-08-2016, 06:36 AM)Winter Wrote: Yay more dark things so I can be the edgelord I've always dreamed of being.
Actually, shouldn't you rather dream of being white? Snow White? "I'm dreaming of the white Christmas"? That kind of things?

(19-08-2016, 06:36 AM)Winter Wrote: Yay bot reductions so the game is even easier.

@Shadowknight: yeah, indeeed, the Helmet looks great with the Halplate.

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