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The Item and Class Stat Balance Thread
Discord weĺl that nice made a acount like a week ago so yes i could of seen that but why did you not post on the legendary item threat not every one uses it or looks evey day.

Phoenix 1500,48
Imper 1450,47
Like i said atm imper not as good that why i only said bulwark

"Just relax m8s." If you ever hear me with a mic you will see im one tone and that carm (most of the time) This gose with forums as well.
(14-09-2016, 12:35 PM)Woody Wrote: Discord weĺl that nice made a acount like a week ago so yes i could of seen that but why did you not post on the legendary item threat not every one uses it or looks evey day.

Phoenix 1500,48
Imper 1450,47
Like i said atm imper not as good that why i only said bulwark

"Just relax m8s." If you ever hear me with a mic you will see im one tone and that carm (most of the time) This gose with forums as well.

Well I've made it quite public here that it's going to change.

The legendary item thread is more of a "Hey look guys I got this item!" not a "This item is going to change" and I want that thread to stay like that, it's a show off thread.
This is where threads like this happen, I mostly don't look here because it used to get derailed quite quickly. So when there is something to look at I do look.

Most of these changes we don't make posts about unless someone is genuinely concerned like yourself, otherwise it removes the "Oh that's a nice change" aspect and rather makes it a "Oh finally that's done".

and like I said, the armour rating:hit points is similar when it comes to overall HP, different weapons do better against more armour and vise versa.
[Image: Untitled-1.gif]
RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024
"time is money jaja and loot" - Blame
After reading your post I think I understand what point you're making so here is my response:

Aurora Blade: Was nerfed because it was ridiculously good for the type of weapon. It was a bastard sword that had 62c! It competed with the Eastern Katana and other legendary 2h swords. The Aurora Blade is a LEGENDARY item so comparing it to ZWEIHANDER locked HOUSECRAFTABLE weapons is not the right way of doing so. The Aurora Blade is a good weapon for the classes it's opened too but is limited to whoever has one and whoever wants to sell one so not everyone can have one, which is how you're making it sound btw. The swords you mentioned are swords that everyone can obtain since they are craftable. Again, it's a bastard sword and a legendary one at that. (Before you mention Worm Bane, that's a bastard weapon usable by everyone)

Eastern Katana: Sometimes I wish I could buff it but then again I don't see a point, it's fast, good in length and is usable on Sniper so meh. The Dwarf Axe is a lost cause imo because of it's size but again it has it's uses and people like it for those uses. It's a great weapon up close with it's high speed and it's massive 65c so that does not need a change. Besides, an axe is used to cut it doesn't pierce so, no 50 pierce isn't going to happen.

Shield of Kings: It's only usable by the shielding hero classes and is supposed to be the best for that reason. Tower Shield it's usable by Sharpshooters and Heroes so no that doesn't need a buff either since Crossbowman isn't a shielding only class, that's what pavise champion is for and that's also what the Shield of Kings is for.
[Image: Untitled-1.gif]
RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024
"time is money jaja and loot" - Blame
Consider the Phoenix Shield the better version of the Bulwark and Impervious that T4 non-heroes can use. That is why it is red and the other two are orange.

For people curious about shields, 100 HP is slightly better than 2 armour based on previous testing. The shields of this game have tried to keep to that rule in balancing. Most of our enemies deal cut damage and follow this rule. There are a few that do blunt or pierce, but they rare enough and already do low enough damage that it doesn't particularly matter. Even then, the HP shields don't get too far above of the curve, taking an astounding 2-3 hits extra.
Simple question, can we enable the Tower shield for Royal Guards? Why isn't it in the first place? o.O

- LordChaos (Legionnaire):  Armorsmith
- Kingsguard (Royal Guard):Blacksmith
- Swadian_Hunter (Archer) Jobless
- The_Impaler (Pikeman): Achemist 
- House Crafting: Defender 

01/04/16: Nothing
(20-09-2016, 02:50 PM)LordChaos Wrote: Simple question, can we enable the Tower shield for Royal Guards? Why isn't it in the first place? o.O

Because its a"better Board Shield" wich are only for Crossbow Big Grin
Legendary Loots:  Fang of Fenrir 10/2015
                          Wulfbane   8/2018
                          TSA 8/2018
                          Imperial Red 9/2018
                          Hurican Bow 9/2018
                          Sun Pike 10/2018
if you need something to be craftet just PM me or steam me Big Grin
Tower shield is in fact for Sharpshooter. Not pavise. And it should stay there. Its already outclassed by the legendary commando shields.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q
but i would also like to see That RG can use all shields ingame because they are the Top Shielding class and they should be abel to use all shields ingame Big Grin
Legendary Loots:  Fang of Fenrir 10/2015
                          Wulfbane   8/2018
                          TSA 8/2018
                          Imperial Red 9/2018
                          Hurican Bow 9/2018
                          Sun Pike 10/2018
if you need something to be craftet just PM me or steam me Big Grin
Tower is op for the price xbow have it lucky. You can find threads that talk about making it just pc only then it could be buff just a bit even that was a no.

Think it was this one
Taking into consideration the shield skill of 10 that RG has, the available choice of shields for RG is just great. Tower shield does not have advantage over Aegis while it costs much more. I just don't think making Tower Shield usable by RGs would change anything, Aegis would remain their choice anyway unless they could afford SoK.

Tbh, I can't really see any reason to get the Tower Shield actually. If your xbowman is not Pavise, the shield skill is too low to shield for the team. If it is Pavise than it can use Aegis and you save half the money... Please, correct me if I get it wrong, I do admit I don't play an xbow char so maybe I'm missing something.

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