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Master Peltlast or Halabardier?
title. What to pick if I go for Pilum, Eastern Glaive
- Ailadrodd - 16.04.17

- 16.04.17 
(Morning) *Kriegztofu looted Dragon Halberd*  
Qrvishon: Fuck you I never loot
(Evening) *Ailadrodd!*
Qrvishon: I am chicken
Noname: Can I fry you?
Qrivshon: Y
Noname: QFC
Noname: KFQ*
MP if you like kyte map.
HB if you prefer slashing near the cade, you can backup shieldwall with 7 shielding points. Armour is cheaper but heavy so you can't kyte as well
to each his own)

i think Important here is not weapons, but what is your preference for armor
 Ł̶Í̶Ť̶Ț̶Ł̶Ĕ̶_̶Đ̶Ē̶V̶Ì̶Ĺ̶*̶ DB_Wormhole* ●Support 27 lvl
DB_Xamka* (MP, Siege Eng.) ●Blacksmith 26lvl 
DB_Dancing_Shielder* (RG, MasterSurgeon)
●Armorsmith 29 lvl
DB_Angry_Swadian_Nurse* (Repeater, MS) 
DB_Dancing_Pumpkin_Cub* (Warden, MS) ●Alchemist 35
It's all about what money you have to back you up as for your gear. You can go Halb and yet still have pretty light stuff to kite. Leather overmail is 16 I believe, same as Plate over Leather, and allows anyone to kite.

So the real question is:

What armor can you afford if you pick this or that? And that my friend depends on your own inventory or possibility to make a trade happen. If you pick MP you won't have to worry much about armors, it's mostly fashion because you can but don't need armor. For Halb it could be the same, but if you took halb it would be for survability, then you could afford to take more hits in the case of a kite run or whatever.

The items are decent for both class. Though pilums are weaker than the other throwables as they are meant to be opened to more classes.

- LordChaos (Legionnaire):  Armorsmith
- Kingsguard (Royal Guard):Blacksmith
- Swadian_Hunter (Archer) Jobless
- The_Impaler (Pikeman): Achemist 
- House Crafting: Defender 

01/04/16: Nothing
Go for peltast if you like throwing mainly, while halberdier has more survivability due to a choice of tougher armors. To make use of the halberdier class, as pointed out by others, you have to buy a class armor, that comes at an expense, otherwise the only noticeable change is the plus inronflesh. With MP the increase in damage and accuracy due to the extra power throw is immediately effectiuve, and you don't necessarily need a new weapon (you can also just pick up better throwables if someone has in the server)

But why are you not considering going marauder? Imho it's the the best pike class, a marauder can throw as effectively as an halberdier or t4 pike, but also slash as effectively as a zwei (although with different weapon types) and still being useful in ranged waves. As a side note, slashing pikes are really cost-effective compared to slashing swords, you can basically pick up a sunpike for 6M and do the same damage as a zwei with a 20m legacy Wink
I'd not recommend halberdier anymore, armors got nerfed in the big updates and it's just not worth it if you don't have leather overmail, hospitaller/heraldic master armor have 54 armor with 30 weight while heavy plated has ~50 with 8 weight, imo it's just not worth going halb anymore.

As Keru stated, you should consider marauder aswell. Smile

About what Chaos said about pilums, they're not that weak tbh, 56p is more than you need as mp.
But it seems that no one have Pilum for sale :/
(11-03-2017, 06:55 PM)Rezev Wrote: But it seems that no one have Pilum for sale :/

The bulk of the price are black steels, damascus and perfected, so the crafting price today it's quite fair, prices are not crazy high like for HM
Obviously, you should pick the class that's so bad it once had to be discounted to 200k to trick people into training it.
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(12-03-2017, 03:44 PM)Malong Wrote: Obviously, you should pick the class that's so bad it once had to be discounted to 200k to trick people into training it.

Once leg was never picked... then it was changed/buffed now i see more of them than zwei and somtimes rg. The stats of the heros you are thinking halb ranger etc etc have been better for some time now so newer people that still want to make heros have more options you could say now vs us 2011-2015 people. 

(Most people stop at the 3-6 heros that why i said that)

What do you want to do it that simple. If it both halb not a bad pick as it has good armor and very cheep vs other 2 if it slash or throw the other 2 heros.

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