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Unban Request
Hi, it's been about two and a half years.

So I'll start off from the beginning I guess. My first uproar was back around the time the House of Tricksters first started and became a big thing. Seething with dissent along with a few others due to their hostility to a few people. I created the group known as the, "Anti-Elitists" and basically created this large rift in the community of those claiming Anti and Pro. To be honest, I was 13 years old at the time. Not exactly the most mature either. After that point, there were a few fights I started amongst various community members. Those being respected players, developers/admins, and various houses and groups. Along with this other player, we trolled Winter (admin at the time? forgot lol high position nonetheless) which led to both of us being banned. We both applied for an unban however which was kindly given to us quickly within the week. Both of us were warned we were on our last legs however, which makes sense the amount of damage that has been caused within my presence. Apart from all of these several of my previous posts I was found to be talking about several players, without pointing out their names. I apologize for this behavior for it wasn't justified at all, despite my older mindset justifying this behavior.

After all of this, I made a house called the Swadian Navy, which foresaw early initial success for a noob-friendly house. There was an incident where several of my members came up to me saying Tsukiyomi (a well known/respected admin at the time) was "talking shit" about the house by claiming we were a group of trolls led by a troll leader. I will admit, seeing how I tried for months at a time, a year even, to improve my reputation after early blows; some people just wouldn't let go. I admit however, several of my house members were known for being troublemakers. One of which I kicked out from the house. There were a few others who were caught slurring and were temp banned/kicked, a shame I didn't kick them out of the house then and there but I always gave too many chances when it came to those affiliated to the house. These are the players who brought the "troll" affiliation association attitude towards the group.

Anyways, after hearing what Tsukiyomi said, I came onto the nordinvasion teamspeak and sent him a personal chat message that was around a paragraph long. I stated he is being, "warned" for accusing the house of what we haven't done, and he should hold his words before spewing anything more out. Looking back, seeing I was only a random player "warning" an admin, it does look pretty bad. Afterwards, I was banned with no hope of the house I left behind with access to the armory which was under my account control. Pretty shitty, but if I had just kept to myself it would've never happened right?

A few months passed and I really wanted to play this game again. Seeing it was my first multiplayer mod off Warband it had its charm to keep me around, good game. I played NW a lot after my ban, which led to me knowing many different people to ask native keys from. I did, and ended up playing again but getting these accounts banned. (I used around 2-3 different keys to circumvent the ban, all of these were banned.)

At the same time, afterwards I remember taunting several people who play NI that I had many different keys so I would never be truly banned. I apologize deeply for this, not the greatest idea to taunt those who control who gets in and out.

Alright now the main story is out of the way leading up to my bans. I know this may not be taken very seriously seeing how many chances I've been given and rules I've broke, but I'm sorry. During these years I was at a very young age, 13-14 which led to many of these occurrences and incidents. I'd like to apologize to the developer team, I know I was on the radar constantly which wasted the time of those involved. I'd like to apologize to the admins for disrespectful, disorderly conduct, as well as creating rifts and stirring dissent amongst the community which the admins had to clean up. Personally, I'd like to apologize to those I trolled such as Winter, and Tsukiyomi whom I, "warned" which was no where within my right to do. Along with all of these, I'd like to apologize to any other players or people I haven't mentioned whom I started conflict with. To be honest, ever since my first ban I've always had a strong desire to be let back into the community despite all of my transgressions. This promise will not look very pleasing within the eyes of others, but I promise to uphold the rules from here forward and into NI 2, which I plan on playing at its release. As of now, I am 16. I believe I am much more mature than my older 13 year old self. Adding onto these, I'll try my best to keep to myself as that's what I desire, just to play and enjoy the game while it lasts.

If I left anything out such as a conflict I caused or incident etc, I apologize. I have a long history and it has been a very long time. (Tried my best to remember everything I've done lol.)

Last of all, I want to point out it's been around two and a half years since my ban. I've come back several times asking to be unbanned which was refused. Basically, I'm saying despite all of this time that has passed and earlier failures at reaching an unban, I still keep coming back to put time and effort requesting one.

I respect everyone's time, and would like the developers/admins/whoever handles unban requests to probe mine thoroughly. I'll be waiting patiently.

(Sidenote: if you have any further questions or concerns if you want me to clear up anything I'm free to answer in here, wherever, etc.)

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