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WTT Jugg's Shop of Wonder- {Restored}
Elements Shop of Wonder

Please note, all offers are to be made VIA Private Message. Any offers here or troll offers will be ignored. I reserve the right to decline any trade at any time before it is completed. As do you.

Bear Gauntlets
Explosive Barrel x3
Plate Mittens
Resurrection Tome x5
Visored Sallet
Aegis Shield
Guardian Armour
Heavy Bear Set
Heavy Repeater Crossbow
Light Plated Boots x2
Light Plate Gauntlets
Master Surgeon's Kit x5
Obsidian Daggers x2
Steel Spangenhelm
Strong Barricade x3
Strong Wall Barricade
Swadian Boots x2

Gold- 19,000,000


Not all items listed here are for sale. However please feel free to offer for anything and I will consider them. Smile
(Outside of the Selling tab, anything listed in there is obviously for sale.)

*- Low Priority

**- Medium Priority

***- High Priority

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