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TerrorBle Models
(23-11-2017, 08:29 AM)Sigolo Wrote: [Image: lego-technic-axle-6-black.jpg]

My brother got one of the Bionicle gears stuck in his ear once... And then again a few weeks after it was removed........... and then a third time a few weeks after that...... He also swallowed two nickels, a quarter, and a small battery. Slightly off topic, but you reminded me of this. I feel most sorry for my poor mother who had to sift through his poop to make sure they came out.
just goes to show how dangerous these things can be when put in the wrong hands XD
updated shield
[Image: b8ecae23634dacfd46af0f9d4412ff1d.png]
Best models for MBW. 5/7
?.?.12 - Wormbane
4.6.18 - Penetrator

[Image: 76561198058198743.png]
Apart from the joke ones, the shield is promising. It looks Daedric. Improve it further and it will be badass. This mod should be introduced with all kinds of Daedric items. :D
Less talking, more raiding!
Thanks for the laugh Terror.
I think the shield might even be usable tbh, change the model a bit and we have a pair with the Worm Bane haha.

(23-11-2017, 09:50 AM)Swaliant Wrote: Apart from the joke ones, the shield is promising. It looks Daedric. Improve it further and it will be badass. This mod should be introduced with all kinds of Daedric items. Big Grin
The Worm Bane is about as Daedric as it gets already +1 for that. But on the other hand it might not really suit the mod.
i'll take 6 of those Swadian assault rifles =D
The Quieter you are the more you are able to hear

14.04.2017 - Ornate Bascinet
06.05.2018 - Ebonwood Pike
12.09.2018 - Eastern Blade
updated spear and shield

Added new darts, still long way to go on them (if you rotate it you can pretend it's a rocket XD)
[Image: b8ecae23634dacfd46af0f9d4412ff1d.png]
dart updated - added textures
shield updated - no longer 46k faces Smile
[Image: b8ecae23634dacfd46af0f9d4412ff1d.png]
updated darts

Anyone know how to put mtl files into p3d?
[Image: b8ecae23634dacfd46af0f9d4412ff1d.png]
(12-12-2017, 09:06 AM)TerrorBite Wrote: updated darts

Got some nice jarrah I see

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