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Support Giveaway
Giving away some support items!

Explosive Barrel
Wall Barricade
Resurrection Tome

In order to be eligible, you must have a character the proper support class and not already have the given support item.  Post below with your ID and which item you are requesting for consideration [Image: smile.png]

Please only enter this if you intend to keep and use this item.  I'd rather it go to someone that will use it than someone that just sees $$$.  The winner will be decided based on character play-time, overall activity, and quality of character.

Ending this and my other giveaway on June 21st:
2524996 i would like the Wall Cade
My Steam: Link
My Shop: Link
Sons of Dhirim: Link
My Loots: 61 (49 unique items, 9 doubles, 3 Essence)
A Tome is what i need.
15.09.2017 Leviathan`s Treads
22.10.2017 Worm Bane
23.12.2017 Gothic Plate
22.04.2018 Defender Boots
20.05.2018 Dragon Halberd
02.09.2018 Defender Boots
07.12.2020 Imperial Halfplate - Blue
11.12.2020 Zephyr
14.02.2021 Studded Gauntlets
13.03.2021 Dragon Arrows
05.03.2022 Heavy Scaled Greaves
14.12.2023 Typhoon
18.05.2024 Gloves of Vidar
07.03.2024 Knight Helmet

Give me your stuff Blame!
2525703 wallcade
Trading heavy sallet

u are an admin right?


Gimme admin rights and 3 bent sword

I mean i could give you the password but you get a permanent ban thats unappealable

You got the bent sword?


2457226 a Wallcade.
a shame that there isnt a Short heavy cade among the giveaway, i wouldve much rather wanted to replace that with my basic barricade, since some seem to dislike the normal cade. is there chance of such being in a giveaway aswell?
Also known as

FF_Sniper_Slayerplayer - Warden    Olaf_of_Syaland -Master Peltat
Mercenary_Slayerplayer - Jugg        Eirene - Choosen Marksman
Elysia - Aventurier                              Pandorian Varimeiren - Legio

Lucerne Feuille - Marauder                Ironman_Slayerplayer - Doppelsöldner

Character ID: 2517554
I'm interested in the explosive barrel Big Grin
[Image: jNKFWjJ.jpg]
Steel Stinger ~ 1/23/16
Gilded Bear Armour ~ 5/18/18
Defender Helmet ~ 6/8/2018
2526827 for the Barrel.
[Image: w6ZxTrO.png] Total: Loots: 61 & Upgrades: 36

2018: _1
2019: 15
2020: 17
2021: 15
2022: _8
2023: _1
2024: _2
2025: _2

‌‌ ‌‌Julia's little Armory | Steam
2526911 for barrel
I am doing bad good models nothing trades memes Idk

Legendary Loots:

05.05.18 - Dragon Halberd
16.05.18 - Tower Shield
24.02.19 - Ragnar's Wrath
For the boom barrel *_* 
Wielder of the Grosse Messer, bringer of walls, player of the best class in the game.
Tome please.


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