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Support Giveaway
Would love the wall cade

Don't trust a lying sack of shit (Takeo)
Still need a barrel, 2458643
Ancient Greatsword - 2015-08-27
Fang of Fenrir x2 - 2015-10-15
Volundr Greatsword - 2024-06-06
Naval Glaive - 2024-06-08
Rebellion - 2024-06-08
Steel Stinger - 2024-06-27
Penetrator - 2024-07-10
Dragon Bolts - 2024-07-12
Malice - 2024-08-03
Dellingr's Hands - 2024-12-08
Twigs of Yggdrasil - 2024-12-27
Barbutte with Coif - 2024-12-29
Jormungandr - 2024-12-29

2527181 I would love to add an explosive barrel to my support collection
How it feels to Tower Shield a boss
[Image: giphy.gif]

2487276 Barrel needed.
MP - Warden - Sentinel - Zwei - Pavise - RG - Halbradier

Steam  Legendaries

Feel free to add on steam for trades.
Character ID: 2450688

Wall or Barrel
Legendary Loots 

05/05/18 Volundr Great Sword
Wall cade
Rupturers - 17/6/18
Wulfsbane - 10/8/18
Rupturers - 14/06/19
Tempest - 26/06/2021 <3 Never

[Image: giphy.gif]
I would like to get the wallcade 
Best Solo:
Normal 20 Completed
Hard 20 Completed
Ragnarok 19 incompleted
2526468 i need something better than normal barricade
28lvl Attacker 15lvl Defender Max Support
01.01.2018 Dragon Halberd
03.05.2018 Dragon Arrows 
21.05.2018 Dark gothic gauntlets
2521579 Would love the Wall Cade

Aurora Blade 23.03.2019
Volundr Greatsword 12/11/2020

Official event times (Praven):

<19:50:13> "Faravin": Normal -9:17
<20:07:55> "Faravin": Hard -15:55

[Image: 2pcM1nK.png]

(18-06-2018, 06:48 PM)Winter Wrote: Giving away some support items!

Explosive Barrel
Wall Barricade
Resurrection Tome

In order to be eligible, you must have a character the proper support class and not already have the given support item.  Post below with your ID and which item you are requesting for consideration [Image: smile.png]

Please only enter this if you intend to keep and use this item.  I'd rather it go to someone that will use it than someone that just sees $$$.  The winner will be decided based on character play-time, overall activity, and quality of character.

Ending this and my other giveaway on June 21st:

2484129 Explosive Barrel

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