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Material Giveaway
I would like the materials for upgrading. Need pretty much all of them. If not everything goes to one person, I would like to get the Hm, shade ore, bent swords, old boots, crooked stick, damascus and bronze arrowsheads. 
Best Solo:
Normal 20 Completed
Hard 20 Completed
Ragnarok 19 incompleted
Chain links for house crafting (as much as possible)
Bent sword and coal for blacksmith (as much as possible)
15.09.2017 Leviathan`s Treads
22.10.2017 Worm Bane
23.12.2017 Gothic Plate
22.04.2018 Defender Boots
20.05.2018 Dragon Halberd
02.09.2018 Defender Boots
07.12.2020 Imperial Halfplate - Blue
11.12.2020 Zephyr
14.02.2021 Studded Gauntlets
13.03.2021 Dragon Arrows
05.03.2022 Heavy Scaled Greaves
14.12.2023 Typhoon
18.05.2024 Gloves of Vidar
07.03.2024 Knight Helmet

Give me your stuff Blame!
ID: 2528546
Project: house project of upgrading Banterin's Volcanic Daggers

Materials: Hardened Metal (up to 900), Armour Plate (up to 150), Blade Shard (up to 150)

Progress: whatever else is missing will be donated by the house before the recipes go offline
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2025.02.02)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
To clarify, this is meant to help people that are close to finishing a specific crafting goal.  Be sure to include the amount and type of material(s) you need with your requests, as well as how close you are to finishing.
ID: 2436442

any water, lead Hardened metal/ Armour plates as desperately trying to craft myself a milanese plate armour for my Legionnaire and currently about 75% of the way there, anything will help me achieve this a lot quicker than my current estimate of finalization of 2065 with my luck of loot Tongue

Cheers Broseph
75 Hardened Metal
40 Skull Fragment
12 Perfected Metal
8 Oil
500 Rough Cloth
15 Blade Shard
137 Shade Ore

ID: 2481690 
Materials would be used to craft awakenings.
I would appreciate receiving a little boost in preparing for next month's legendary upgrades (Blessed Sacrifice & Dark Offering mats). I'm currently 435 HM and 115 lumps off and have 3,5 Mio gold left to go Edit: Reached 10 Mio - hence why I could use the 75 HM and/or the 15 Blade Shard the most.
I wouldn't say I'm in desperate need (seeing how there's more than a month time for me), but it would certainly save me some hassle when gathering these mats while saving up the necessary gold.
ID: 2473445
I guess I was in too much of a hurry, got all the 900 HM, 225 Lumps and 10 Mio by now, heh; good luck to all the others
Hi, Im working towards a swadian fullplate.
I need 17 Scale of fafnirs, 4 water, 13 lumps and 75 Hm. I''m grateful for anything I get!
ID: 2446694
Updated with new material counts.  Preference on rare materials will be given to people that are not using it on upgrades.  Bulk cheap materials are open to anyone.

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