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Buff Juggernaut
Please buff this Hero, its ridiculous that you cant survive any boss hits even nord prince.

Waves that can kill a fully armored Jugg (Def set) within a couple of hits:

Normal wave 5,9,11 and 12-15
Hard wave 1-15
Rag wave 1-15
Get better armour then you can take 1 hit from prince. On any inf hero mind you.

The max I would be happy with is being able to take 2-3 hits from prince with the best gear/class. Odin 1-2.
(05-01-2019, 02:38 PM)Woody Wrote: Get better armour then you can take 1 hit from prince. On any inf hero mind you.

The max I would be happy with is being able to take 2-3 hits from prince with the best gear/class. Odin 1-2.

OK fine tell me any armor set thats better than a Defender set with an upgraded defender helmet?
Fully upgraded Def-Set.
[Image: w6ZxTrO.png] Total: Loots: 61 & Upgrades: 36

2018: _1
2019: 15
2020: 17
2021: 15
2022: _8
2023: _1
2024: _2
2025: _2

‌‌ ‌‌Julia's little Armory | Steam
Yeee Buff Master Peltast too pls! or add skill me
I die now with one hit from Einherjar Archer in melee on firs waveSmile

Waves that can kill a fully armored MP (Best set) with a one hit: first waves
 Ł̶Í̶Ť̶Ț̶Ł̶Ĕ̶_̶Đ̶Ē̶V̶Ì̶Ĺ̶*̶ DB_Wormhole* ●Support 27 lvl
DB_Xamka* (MP, Siege Eng.) ●Blacksmith 26lvl 
DB_Dancing_Shielder* (RG, MasterSurgeon)
●Armorsmith 29 lvl
DB_Angry_Swadian_Nurse* (Repeater, MS) 
DB_Dancing_Pumpkin_Cub* (Warden, MS) ●Alchemist 35
I too would like to be able to survive around 15 hits from Odin on my t4 archer
2015-08-26 Fang of Fenrir
2024-12-21 Legendary Dust Essence (first ever!!!1)
2025-01-05 Heavy Scaled Greaves
2025-01-07 Scorn
2025-01-09 Legacy
2025-01-14 Severance
2025-02-21 Twigs of Yggdrasil
2025-03-12 Pride

[Image: NqiKO60.png]
Infantry should still be based on skill from time to time and not mindless solo charges.
I think the current system serves its purpose enough.
In the future we might look into making all classes more interesting to play.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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