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Upgraded armor textures

I've been playing this mod now a bit more active in the last weeks, and I've noticed that the upgraded armor looks like the usual one and that's for me a bit strange.
I think such amount of money and work behind the upgrading process should be shown around the community by at least looking a bit diff like for example different coloring or adding little extras.
Likewise, I'm not a pro in texturing or modelling, so I have no clue how much the effort would be to edit them.
You can add me here : Zoger
Woody, is that you? There has been a thread like this one before, and the general consensus of the developers was, that this would take too many ressources and time. Also i don't think NI will ever recieve an update as there are a lot of stuff Terath has changed already but is not implemented yet. Probably also other Devs i forgot to mention. Sorry about that. Hande has some Cool Wooden Fortress map never relased.
Me was just speaking of armor not Weapons, because they are more common on getting seen all the time as one sword like Voloundr 2H
You can add me here : Zoger
Retexturing existing models isnt that time consuming, tho you need a general update of the mod, which can welp, take a time and devs involved on that
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[Image: YNqPp8t.png]
I like the idea!

Solo Runs:
- Hard -> All maps done
- Ragnarok -> Old Shire/Swadian Outskirts/First Defence died W15
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Problem is theres no devs anymore so..
Legendary loots: 39
Soloed Normal, Hard, Ragnarok , Cav. 
Its not that hard to retexture, yes.
Idk if Terath was working on something like that, I cant remember but maybe its to long ago... xD

If you send me your ideas, I might be able to work something out.
[Image: SprsIGG.png] [Image: cHTj01v.png]
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Pls, if you guys do something, remove illu's and exca's weird scabbard colors Big Grin
I like the coloring of Ilus, but the blue yellow on the shaft is weird
You can add me here : Zoger

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