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First Model
I recently created my first model on blender and i'm pretty pleased with it so far; and I also started to create my own texture for it which is quite tricky.

Here is progress so far:

However I have a problem, whenever I try to view the sword with textures on object or edit mode the textures area shows up black; but looks fine in texture paint mode. Anyone know what's up?

Will also be using this thread to log progress on the sword.
Nice! Always like a good sword model Smile
Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

No longer active.
Wow really good work you have, modelling and texturing, congrats Smile.

To see models with textures on 3dview;

- Press "n", under display make shading:GLSL and close that with "n" again.
- At right side of mode menu(edit mode, object mode etc.)below, turn Viewport Shading to "Texture".

Now if you have lights on scene, you'll see your textures, have fun Smile. (Using 2 sun lamps on sides with orange-blue colors, and 1 or 2 hemi lamps from behind and under of the model with little energy; usually gives nice light balance for seeing models real time in 3d view)

PS. If you still have problems with seeing textures on your model, you might need to show them to your model in edit mode in UV Image editor.

I'm glad to see another Blender user making models for Warband Smile. Keep up the good work mate.
Attack of the smileys! Beware!
Thanks for the advice Ryu, i'll that a try and post the results when i'm done  Big Grin
nice work mate! Wink
?.?.12 - Wormbane
4.6.18 - Penetrator

[Image: 76561198058198743.png]
Made my first armour model:
[Image: pikeman%20ppoop.jpg]
[Image: pikeman_armour.png]

Can't show bumpmap though because openbrf is bugged, I also need help with getting my armour in game if anyone has any tips as well as creating specular map as mine only seems to make my textures lighter and not shiny  :'(
A specular map is just a black and white version of your diffuse.

The whiter you make something, the shinier it will be.

Darker you make it, the less reflective it will be.
Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

No longer active.
Tried to make a polehammer that doesn't just look like a rock tied to a stick:

[Image: polehammer_textured.png]

Also can anyone give me any advice how I can actually test a weapon on nordinvasion, I have no idea how to go about setting up stats for the weapon and actually adding it into the game  :-[
Splendid ! Bravo !

I just love hammer, especially polehammer and I love this one my lord Smile
Thatsmybanana : Good job YunYun

[spoiler=Naughty Yuri]
[Image: 1B9EnSS.png]
[Image: yurii.png]
[Image: yuriiih.png]
[Image: yurij.png]
:o Thank you

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