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WTS Some mats
Quality Candle 110
Quality Grindstone 5
Relic Fragment 1
Bent Sword 3524
Bone Shard 1162
Chain Link 223
Coal 298
Crooked Stick 1637
Hardened Metal 485
Heavy Cloth 610
Hydra Leaf 383
Nem Flower 1527
Old Boots 3017
Shade Ore 72
Sparkly Necklace 425
Spurn Berry 410
Sturdy Wood 390
Twisted String 552
Wolf Teeth Necklace 7608
Worm Root 1847
Bear Fur 45
Bronze Arrowhead 46
Copper Bar 48
Damascus Steel 55
Eagle Feather 46
Raven Feather 2
Scale of Fafnir 64
Small Lump of Lead 233
Sulphur 101
Water of Hvergelmir 158
Wood of Glasir 17
Zinc Shard 39
Basic Leather 400
Basic Wood 867
Black Steel 5
Blade Shard 15
Hardened Leather 5
Mystic Charm 2
Oil 43
Rough Cloth 61
Scrap Metal 324
Silk 100



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