Good morning (Afternoon for you, I believe)!
I was recently invited by a member of this house to join up, and seeing your member list and recent activity, I'd be happy to apply! I'm not EU, but I'm more than willing to play on EU servers and attend events when I can, although early afternoon (evening for you) will be difficult for me. I'm 100%, positively, a team player. I hate playing hardmode alone and when there are 16 players on, I love being able to take up a job like healing the team or assisting in slashing.
My in-game name is Reinhardt
Timezone is US-East (North Carolina, though, so not bad ping on EU)
I'm currently level 37, well on my way to 39 on the Infantry skill tree (Sergeant ATM)
My crafting is... not so good at level 9 Armorsmith/
My steam name is "Reinhardt" or "Serius600" (Same account, but one is the display name, the other is the original account.)
I've had teamspeak for years and I believe I'll always have it, so joining that when I play is no problem.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear back soon.