Emails are disabled - for account issues, post in #help on the NI Discord.

Poll: Please vote on the map you would like for the event. DO NOT vote if you do not plan on showing up.
You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Mountain Outpost
3 20.00%
Swadian Overgrown
3 20.00%
Mountain Pass
6 40.00%
Lake Town
0 0%
Swadian Town
3 20.00%
Total 15 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

NordInvasion Weekly Event #18 - (Sign Up Thread) 21st (Sun) 7pm EST
Welcome to the Official Event #18!

Event Time
01:00 BST (GMT+1) (British Summer Time)
24:00 GMT/UTC
01:00 CEST (Central European Standard Time)
02:00 EEST (Eastern European Summer Time)
16:00 PST
19:00 EST
09:30 (next day) CST

If you dont know what time zone you are in go here:

We will all gather in a dedicted channel in the Nord Invasion Teamspeak (, 15-20 minutes before the event begins. The password will be given out in TS, when you will all be able to join the server.  (This is required for the event, a microphone however is not unless you wish to be captain)

If you wish to join the event please post the following:

[b]Character Name:  [/b]
Server Choice: Either Hard (H) or Normal (N)
Map Choice:
Volunteer to be Captain?:(Optional)

For information about the roles please check this thread

Depending on the numbers we may need extra Captains so please state if you wish to take the lead - you will be responsible for organising the defences, managing the team and also assigning medals to the players that you think deserve them (again, check the thread mentioned above for more information).

          Shielder (0)         
|        Attacker (0)         
|        Skirmisher (0)         
|              Archer (0)             
|        Sharpshooter (0)         
|        Medic (0)         
|        Engineer (0)         
|        Reserved (0)         

(The [H] or [N] next to the players name indicates Hard or Normal server)[i]
Players in [i]italics
are repeated in various roles.

Players with (Capt) next to their name have volunteered to be a Captain

Maps in consideration:

The map will therefore be:

Remember, If you perform well in the event, you may earn yourself a medal!

[glow=red,2,300]Please also keep the spam in this thread to a minimum - that means only post if you are signing up or have questions relevant to the event.[/glow]

Discussion Thread
Start the game already!
Character Name: CC_Nici
Class:Sniper/Heavy Inf
Equipment: Fiendish+Bronze+Grosse Messer
Server Choice: Either Hard (H) or Normal (N) Hard
Map Choice: Swad. Overgrown
Sat/Sun: Sat
Location(NA/EU/AU): Eu
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional) Not Really
Character Name: Dragonknight/Dragonborn/Dragonslayer/CC_ArchAngel
Class:Sniper+H Inf/Commando+Mil+Xbow/Pikeman+H Inf
Equipment:Full Sniper Equip/Trans,Butcher,SKSs,Surg Kit/Jarids/Arbalest,Espada
Server Choice: idc
Map Choice: FUS/Outskirts
Sat/Sun: Sat
Location(NA/EU/AU): EU
Volunteer to be Captain?: Nope
My steam account: Dragz 

27/08/15 Royal Winged Helmet
24/10/15 Durendal

[Image: taker-brock-laugh.gif?08bce4]
Character Name: CC_lucky_vovgre
Equipment: Aurora+Royale+Dragon axe+H cade+Fearsome+Tranz
RoleConfusedhielder or slasher
Server Choice: HARD
Map Choice: Outskirts, Fortes
Sat/Sun: Sat
Location(NA/EU/AU): Eu
Volunteer to be Captain?:Not

yeeeeeeaaaaa!!!! Smile Smile Smile
Character Name: DP_FREEZ
Equipment: Full bear armor bronz arrows Fendish bow
Server Choice: HARD
Map Choice: Outskirts, Fortes
Sat/Sun: Sat
Location(NA/EU/AU): Eu
Volunteer to be Captain?:Not

Level: 52
Class: Commando
Equipment: Dragon Axe or Hope, Swadian Kite Shield, Butcher 
Role: Slasher
Server Choice: (H)
Map Choice: Outskirts or Fortress
Sat/Sun: Sat
Location(NA/EU/AU): EU
Volunteer to be Captain?:Not
Character Name: 
Class:Heavy Crossbowman
Equipment:Medic Boxes
Server Choice: Either Hard (H) or Normal (N) N
Map Choice:Outskirts or FUS
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional)Nop
You really do have to try this Stupid but somehow amazing website out!
Also for every fish lover
Character Name: CC_SGT_Gismo
Level: 52
Class: Sniper heavy inf
Equipment: SS bow, archer armor and bronze arrows + dep shield and strange sword
Role: Archer
Server Choice: Normal
Map Choice: Swadian Town
Sat/Sun: sat
Location(NA/EU/AU): eu
Volunteer to be Captain?:If nobody else, i can
Charater name: FC_wheresmyvodka
EquipmentConfusedwadian heav lam grinder oven mits plate boots h cade
Server Choice: Either Hard (H) or Normal (N) h
Map Choice: any
Sat/Sun: any
Location(NA/EU/AU): Na
My Our Vodka Last During this Bloody War.
Folly company ;D drop a msg here,4990.135.html
Character Name:  FC_wheresmyliquor
Level: 52
Class: 4/2/0/0
Equipment: SS bow Bronze arrows full Bear Dep shield
Role: Sniper
Server Choice: Either Hard (H) or Normal (N) (Any)
Map Choice: any
Sat/Sun: any
Location(NA/EU/AU): NA
Volunteer to be Captain?: no

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