(20-11-2012, 09:57 AM)Senni link Wrote: That's awesome Ryu, hope it works
Thanks mate, i think it will

(20-11-2012, 11:37 AM)_Sophie_ link Wrote: Realistic :o
Thanks Sophie. I bet it will turn out more fantasiesh than realistic when it's finished, i cant really model realistic things that much

(20-11-2012, 01:40 PM)Dragonknight link Wrote: Looks really awesome 
I played the mod PoP and theres a plate armour (like the one you made) with a place for the players banner at the chest.
This would make the armour even better imo but its just an idea and I dont know how to model this 
Heres a screenshot made ingame:
EDIT: This one has just some green colour at the chest because I was too lazy to search for the right one.
Thanks mate. That requires some material work in openbrf i think, which i have no idea how to make it happen (i guess its something about transparency, not sure).
(20-11-2012, 03:29 PM)Nici link Wrote: Nice ryu:
Thanks Nici.
(25-11-2012, 07:12 AM)Jarold link Wrote: Finally someone made a decent looking plate armor. I think its amazing, you should make a closed helmet that matches the armor for those ugly faces.
Thanks Jarold. I'm thinking to make a T face barbute helmet with brush mohawk on it(like the Roman helmets). So i guess we cant evade showing our ugly faces

(26-11-2012, 03:46 PM)Peter_File link Wrote: looks great keep it up.
Thank you Peter.
Now about the armor; i had to work on copying rigging in openbrf, changing it's mesh countless times, trying diferent native armors' rigs to copy... it was a disaster and i spent more than 10 hours
just to make it work :/. Its not that good, there are some glitching parts which i couldnt find a way to fix; however its kinda usable now which is a good news for me

Final model is not how i wanted it to be; forearm gauntlets are too big(to make it usable with other warband models), legs are too thin(copying rigging and softening-stiffering it made that one :/ ), shoulder areas have some glitchings; all because i lack the rigging skills. Here is the last shape of the mesh, rendered in Blender;
After wasting hours on it at the end, i had to tear model apart(outer parts) and assign them on bones one by one; and then combine all together to make it usable. So those are the non-textured meshes with some ambient occlusion to show the shape of armor in-game. I must say i love openbrf, its really a great tool. (I had no idea ao can be baked on meshes ;D):
Let me tell you upfront; there is no way to change the mesh shape anymore without braking the rig, this is how it works at its best unfortunately. Now i'll make a suitable helmet and will start texturing. I hope you guys like it
