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WTS Butcher, Steel Cutter, And Swadian Poleaxe
Name says it all. The auction is over so the price of things are not dirt cheap anymore. So offer it up.
Steel cutter SOLD
Butcher SOLD
101 speed
95 length
(look at my profile pic thats the butcher)
[Image: butcherw.jpg]

Swadian Poleaxe NOT SOLD
92 speed
150 length
[Image: swadianpoleaxe.jpg]
Looks good huh!

Disclamer! I Do not own either of these pics stole them for my own gain.
Bump cheaper prices to match that of others falling prices.
Apsods if you can balance,for a good offer I can throw in 200k cash!
Marvin5762:Legionaire/Trained Rider
Marvin5763:Master Peltast/Novice Rider
Marvin5764:Chosen Marksman

House Crafting Support Lvl 13
Alchemy Lvl 15
Blacksmith Lvl 12

Legendary Loots:/
Player since June 2012
Really just looking for cash
400k for Butcher?
CC_Sir_Yabu - lvl 52 Wielder of the Rectal Glory
CC_Dr_Yabu - lvl 52 Pokémon
CC_Yabu_the_Hutt - lvl 52 Space Mob Member
CC_Yabudabadoo - lvl 39 Pacifist
CC_Dyabu_Unchained - lvl 10 No Comment
Visit my shop IKEY!
It seems that way inless some1 wants to offer more. =D i am cheap i told you.
I WANT TO BUY ZEM ALL!!!! with no cash or mats.
Legendary Drops:
Eastern Katana - December 2012
Legacy - April 2014
Pike of Kings - June 2014
Stag Bow -June 2014
Rupturers - June 2014
Durandel - August 2014
Ancient Greatsword - August 2014
Valsgarde Helmet - September 2014
Penetrator - April 2015
Mnominor - April 2015
Volundr Greatsword - April 2015
Well no cash or mats you say..

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