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What other Warband mods do you play??

Be careful with saying this name around here however. Instead call it crappyG so you don't get burned at the stake.
[Image: gQUGcYN.gif?1]
The Last Days is almost the only thing I play since downloading it, next to a tiny bit of NI and Chivalry. Not a Warband mod though, but holy shit is it awesome.
(30-11-2012, 07:33 AM)Kwal link Wrote: The Last Days is almost the only thing I play since downloading it, next to a tiny bit of NI and Chivalry. Not a Warband mod though, but holy shit is it awesome.

I'm really tempted to play it, think I've dled it, but I would have to find my m&b disc Tongue.

Has it got a plotline?
Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

No longer active.
Sort of. I find it very satisfactory. You start off only being able to do some mundane quests (most likely for your faction/race) and then the war breaks out, at which point you will need to help the good/bad side win by helping out any way you can and doing more serious quests. There is definitely a goal anyway, and as you proceed you have access to more cool options. But there's not a fixed story.

If you're going to download I strongly suggest you check out this:,20.0.html

Especially the Enhanced version and the modified combat animations are really worth it. And if you don't follow the tips the game is likely to crash a lot Tongue I lost two of my characters that way, but after reading all that I'm now somewhere near the 400th day with my dwarf without a problem.
I  play nw napolionic wars and i am from 3e they are also templar so most i play ni and nw Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin
/▌ = Mimer
/ \
Fun fact: My brother either made The Last Days mod himself, or did a LOT of the work for it. Don't remember which.
Start the game already!
(22-01-2013, 02:20 AM)Sparhawk link Wrote: Fun fact: My brother either made The Last Days mod himself, or did a LOT of the work for it. Don't remember which.

Your brother is Ancientwanker?

Their dev team's been looking for him for ages.
No, Llew2 on TW I believe.
Start the game already!
Llew's a cool guy, he also did most of HYW himself
huh. Im following atm the veiled stars.
Wusel @ Omnia

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