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Training Grounds Idea (Move, thanks worm! )
I've got an idea...
Not only will it add more to the game, but how my idea is laid out it will also give players that have maxed something new to do, slow players progression from maxing, and also add a entirely new element to combat.  I know all the above but the last sound appealing to the developers and not the players, but read on....

Its called the Training Grounds... Its found right next to the crafting skill on the website.
But what is the training ground?  Its where you train in new abilities just to list a few for all the classes, archers "stead fast hand", which will allow a archer to fire at double the normal rate for a set duration of time, infantry's "shield bash" which will allow the warrior to knock enemies back, and down to the ground or perhaps cavalry's "war horse" which will make his horse ignore all damage and double the damage dealt to enemies from a charge hit from the horse for a duration of time (not increasing the pole arm damage, but the actual charging damage from the horse.)

Below I'll break down in more realistic detail how the "perks" should/would work by class.

Skill - Stead fast hands
Benefits - Through trails of training the archer now fires an arrow twice as fast as normal
Time duration of perk - Once activated lasts for 30-45 seconds.
Cool down before next use - 4 minutes.

Skill - Shield bash
Benefits - Intense shield training enables the well trained soldier to knock several foe back and or down.
Time duration of perk - One time use.
Cool down time before next use - 4 minutes.

Skill - War horse
Benefits - Prolonged training makes your horse enter a blood lust anger state, at which the horse will take no damage, and does double the charge damaging from running into foes, ignores halting due to crowd value.
Time duration of perk -1:30 seconds of use
Cool down time before next use - 5 minutes.

The below paragraph talks about the implementation of these perks, but with that said I am by no means a programmer, but figured I would explain why these mods might be accomplished as compared to others...
I've also tried to keep in mind how these things could be implemented without taxing to much modification time... the code to edit the archers fire rate most likely wouldn't be hard at all, and it would be entirely code, no graphical change what so ever.  The shield bash coding is already in there, it just needs to be adjusted - if you can find the section that has the kick function, you could increase the radius and perhaps the distance of that effect and apply it correctly while incorporating a back-wards portion of the motion the character makes when he equips a shield, and the war horse idea again the function that lets a horse simply trample people would be updated to be a constant or just a very high setting so the horse could pull this off, awhile making him unable to be damaged (the rider however would still receive damage)

The cool down times would need to be tested and checked to make sure it doesn't give the advantage to the players to much over the bots, and with larger servers with more skilled players I could see the cool down time needing to be moved up, or made longer.  I'm not sure how much assist experience it should take to unlock any of these abilities, or what level you'd be able to gain them at, but I'm sure the developers could sit down some time and figure a good number.

These are just a few of the training ground ideas that hit me..I've got more but before I got shot down I didn't want to waste to much time typing away with general ideas...
The positive side to implementing these are that players can put assist experience into these training adding more content and slowing the over all level they gain down to increase worth of gaming time, and prolong levels which seem to be a slight issue to the many of us that have not hit level 42 yet.  I consider these upgrades to the mod to be rather realistic, and thus put forth...

my 2 cents... now I'm broke...
Only as good as the man to your left and right.  See your enemies driven before you!
Thank you worm, sorry for placing this in the wrong spot... I was using my cell phone and didn't see the correct location... -.-
Only as good as the man to your left and right.  See your enemies driven before you!
Love em. Great ideas, Id love to see them in the game.
I think you will have to select these abilities as an item, and there will be/are more than enough buff items as it is in my opinion Tongue
@Sepsis He does have some good pointers, but some of them unrealistic, we could always make some believable skills for the player to use.

Actually, FinKone has made a fair point in providing abilities to allow the players to choose a better diverse class base with distinct personalities.

Since I dont have much time to write out, I'll make it short.

Perhaps we can choose ability from the website, assign a button to use the ability, and as such, but only one ability to suit a distinct player base.

For Infantry

Light Reach
Realistically: Maybe not.
Mods used before in warband: no idea
Description: Gives player a +5 weapon length for about 10 seconds, but weakens the damage by 10% less. an idea that the player extends his weapon with some skill, but also weakens the grip of his weapon by that fact.
Cooldown Time: 1 minute
Available to Inf Tier 1

Shield Bash.
Realistically: Yes.
Mods used before in warband: Berthwenlda Bartolomelo 700 something...
Description: Its a code that has been used in many mods. It was quite interesting, and hilarious to get bashed by the AI(of course dont give this code to the AI). The player knocks down 1 or 2 bots in a small angle or range provided when bashing, allowing him to land a strike on a knocked enemy easily, useful against armoured units.
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Available to Inf Tier 2

For Archers

Realistically: Yes.
Mods used before in warband: Extended gameplay III, I believe, some ability that makes the player go faster.
Description: The adrenaline rushes up when the player is chased, sprint is activated for about 2 seconds, going faster at 1.5 times the speed.
Cooldown Time: 1 minute
Available to Archer Tier 1

Leg it
Realistically: No
Mods used before in warband: No idea on this one, I just thought I'd throw it in.
Description: Due to sheer force of luck or comic relief, the archer has a powerful kick that can deal 50 P damage onto any enemy when the skill is activated.
Cooldown time: 1 minute
Available to Archer Tier 2

For Calvary
Horse Charge
Realistically: Yes.
Mods used before in warband: None, but the speed can be tweaked for the button ability
Description: The player can boost his horse speed for about 3 seconds, 30%more speed, but 75% less manuverability.
Cooldown Time: 1 minute
Available to Calvary Tier 1

Horseback Combat
Realistically: No
Mods used before in warband: None, not sure if this is possible.
Description: The horse is slowed down by 50% speed, but gains extra armour rating of +10, so the player can fight on horseback melee with a 1 or 2 handed weapon.
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds.
Available to Calvary Tier 2

Thats what I had in mind for a more diverse class gameplay.  Tongue Feel free to give out your ideas.
[Image: 2n6u4ux.png]
For the Honour of the Fallen Swadians.
Good idea, really really like them, but It's up to the programmers to fix it, and I hope they manage it.

I see a few problems in these "Training Grounds" thing's, but there is NOTHING that can't be fixed with some hard working.
Characters: [SW]iEatBurrito, [SW]Sniper, [SW]Pikeman.

Hope you have fun playing Nord Invasion, and that you slay plenty of Nords each day Wink
Nice, so everyone but one person enjoyed the idea!  Nothing unrealistic at shooting a bow faster, or knocking enemies to the ground... I'll admit that for the cav I was having a slightly harder time coming up with a more realistic ability. 
Only as good as the man to your left and right.  See your enemies driven before you!
(04-01-2012, 01:50 PM)FinKone link Wrote: Nice, so everyone but one person enjoyed the idea!  Nothing unrealistic at shooting a bow faster, or knocking enemies to the ground... I'll admit that for the cav I was having a slightly harder time coming up with a more realistic ability.

It neednt be unrealistically fantasy, but more likely catered to game mechanics.

Calvary lacks punch in close quarter battles, give them abilities that allow them to fight head on against infantry while giving them other abilities to fully utilize the horses, (but with drawbacks of course)

Archers are weakest at close quarters, give them something unorthodox to defend themselves like an overpower kick ability, or methods to get away from the heat of battle.

Infantry is a crowd control Maestro. Give them abilities to slowdown the horde such as knockback/stun abilities, the shield can also be weaponized with abilities to give more tactical options in it's use.
[Image: 2n6u4ux.png]
For the Honour of the Fallen Swadians.
Well, if you want perks, I can throw in a few suggestions...


Shield Wall. Reduces damage received by player for each shield-wielding ally within a certain radius. Bonus from neighbours who themselves have active Shield Wall is doubled.

Bloodlust. Increases damage both to self and enemies for some time. Quite self-obvious.

Adrenaline Rush. For one minute, player enjoys higher attack speed, higher damage and any damage to himself is reduced. After one minute is over, all damage that he has been saved from is immediately dealt to him x2, and if he survives that, then for 2 more minutes he will still be slower and weaker.


Second Line. Works the same as infantry's Shield Wall, except archer does not provide any extra bonus to others by activating this perk.

Stinging Arrows. All arrows are envenomed for the duration of the perk. Any enemy hit with a venomous arrow will receive small but continuous damage until he's dead (it's one hit one kill perk, but it may take quite a long time for the bot to die).

Hitting Vitals. Any enemy hit with an arrow when perk is active will have it's speed reduced (by half if it's a horse, to 5 kph  - town walker's speed - if it's a humanoid).

Mighty Arrow. Any enemy hit with an arrow when perk is active will suffer some additional damage and will fall on the ground. If mounted, then he will fall from his horse. If the horse is hit, the rider will be dismounted with 50% probability.


Spurs. Horse gets speed and maneuverability bonus for some time. Pretty obvious.

Vital Spot. Any damage delivered with a lance will be doubled.

Equestrian Artist. Any damage horse suffers from missiles and thrown projectiles is halved.
Quote:My Little Personal Scripting Workshop (Companions Overseer presentation; Better Trade Goods, Better Civilians and Siege Camp Icon mini-mods; Scene Prop Iterator and AgentFinder script libraries).
the ideas nice, but wouldn't it be easier (kind of comes from lavs idea) to give the max in each class (commando, sniper, knight) a thing they can drop to boost the abilities in say a group of people? sort of like a "buff pot" that automatically works that also has only a certain range. ex: commando can drop something that increases armor by 5, sniper can drop something that increases attack speed by 10%, knight drops something that can increase movement speed by 15% both of commando and sniper could have a range of 10 feet (maybe less or more as i have no idea how much that is in the game) and the knights buff can go 30 feet. possibly these items would be fairly hard to get and DO NOT stack on each other. so people can not take advantage of them. or make it so only 1 of each can be on the field at once? and they could look like a urn or something (a switched deployable shield model) so that the nords could attack and destroy it if the swadians have to leave it behind. it could be an extremely rare drop from say huscarl knights. OR each different urn would be obtainable through said unit (sniper urn you get from [i have no idea what a high/highest archer is] commando urn you get from huscarl knights [or whatever is best infantry unit] and knight urn you get from [again i have no idea what highest cav is].
Anyone else wish that they could play from the nords perspective?

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