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(10-01-2012, 09:46 PM)Pvt_Dancer link Wrote: Ingame Name: Pvt_Dancer
Steam: 4N00315
Do you have Teamspeak: no, but i know how to get it
Do you have a microphone: no
Sent you steam group invite as I have friendlist full now. (Time to clean it up) Anyways house invite sent as well, Welcome and have fun! Don't be afraid to ask other players of the house join in to same sever with you.
Posts: 13
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Joined: Dec 2011
Ingame Name: Discobubba
Steam: Discobubba
Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have a microphone: Yes
Posts: 90
Threads: 5
Joined: Nov 2011
(11-01-2012, 07:06 PM)Discobubba link Wrote: Ingame Name: Discobubba
Steam: Discobubba
Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have a microphone: Yes
Pretty much the same as I told the other guy! P.S Are you finnish ?
Posts: 13
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Joined: Dec 2011
im half-finnish and half-swedish but i cant speak finnish unfortunaly enough ;C
Posts: 90
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Joined: Nov 2011
(12-01-2012, 09:49 PM)Discobubba link Wrote: im half-finnish and half-swedish but i cant speak finnish unfortunaly enough ;C

Anyways to all of you guys who might have seen that I've been in active lately, it's due to my school.
It was the last week of this season, so I had to study really hard for the exams. Will be seeing you guys again after monday. (So I know if I failed so exams)
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Joined: Dec 2011
could anyone grant me a loan on maximum 40k for respecc since archer is pretty much useless now in hardmode and does anyone know what class are best now of cav and infantry. if i get loan i will prioritate to pay back the smallest ones first btw
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Joined: Nov 2011
Is that true? if yes, i think archers getting a boost in the next patch, like cavalry this time.
Atlos - Longbowman and Alchemist
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(17-01-2012, 08:04 PM)Discobubba link Wrote: could anyone grant me a loan on maximum 40k for respecc since archer is pretty much useless now in hardmode and does anyone know what class are best now of cav and infantry. if i get loan i will prioritate to pay back the smallest ones first btw
I can after I've sold the shade ore, are you still sure you want to respec?
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Joined: Dec 2011
yeah im still sure il probably respecc as infantry for faster leveling and respecc later again if i want to play archer. i got some of my equipment i could sell i think i could get minimum 10k for selling my longbow and khergit arrows and i will sell my helmet/boots if i wont be able to use them as heavy infantry and after the respecc il farm money to pay back the loans.
btw whats the ip and port for the ts3 server?