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WTS: Craftable Javelins
offers please,mats worth about 20k

Weight 5
Spd rtng 92
Weapon length 75
Thrust damage 36
Shoot speed 26
Ammo count 8
usable as militia and up
are they new? or is that a collector item?
[Spoiler]My legendaries: Nothing ;(
HA! got a aketon!

Accounts: Aegis_Waringham/Tudor/Cumberland/Trolling_Assasin

You really do have to try this Stupid but somehow amazing website out!
Also for every fish lover
They came with the 0.4.9 patch
u sure that costs 25k+?
2 x Steel ( / 2)
15 x Wood ( / 15)
3 x Mixed Glue ( / 3)
3 x Normal Grindstone (/ 3)
Add me on Steam: xneoblasterx
well, steel costs have been high lately, with the costs in AH now they are about 20k now, i'll fix the first post

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