Calling all artistically inspired members of the NI community, We need a new logo! That's right, as part of the big oh-five-oh, we want a new logo. The eventual logo will be used on the website, the favicon (the little image in the address bar), and even the upcoming auto-updater. |
How this works
The rules for the eventual logo are simple:
- It must be recognisable.
- It must relate somehow to the game (eg: sheild, helmet etc).
- The background must be transparent.
- All logo containers are square, so your design must fit inside a square.
- Minimum size of 256*256. Bigger is acceptable but remember it needs to scale down. There is not many places we can use anything bigger.
Additionally, please keep a copy of the file in the raw, layered format (PSD prefered) but upload smaller jpg versions to the forum so that everyone can view easily.
Bare in mind also that Windows 7+ allows images to scale in size (see here). Your image should either scale or have versions for the main sizes listed in the link. Don't worry to much about this at first; as long as you are willing to put in the work to make the scaling work later.
Time Limit
There is no fixed time limit at this time. When we have a more fixed idea of times this post will be updated.
The devs will then choose our favourites and a poll will be created to choose the final winner. The winner will receive at the very least, a high level craftable. We have a sliding scale depending on how amazing your work is.

By submitting you transfer all rights to the NI team. You will then be credited in the about page along with other contributors.
We will respect the community choices as much as possible but reserve the right to chose a different logo if we feel it better fits the design.
Devs etc can also enter but they obviously won't get a prize.
Good luck to all and we look forward to seeing what you can create!
The NI Family