I actually ran into an interesting glitch about 20 minutes ago, I was playing usually, we made it to wave 6 and * Bam * we were ambushed by a group of gangbanging nords.
It wasn't just that they looked naked, they couldn't use weapons, and had no armor, I actually tested it, and I could knock one clean out in 5 punches. As fun as this glitch was, I thought it'd be best if I reported it.
I only managed to take the one screenshot, as they tend to die awfully quick without armor, but here it is -
It wasn't just that they looked naked, they couldn't use weapons, and had no armor, I actually tested it, and I could knock one clean out in 5 punches. As fun as this glitch was, I thought it'd be best if I reported it.
I only managed to take the one screenshot, as they tend to die awfully quick without armor, but here it is -
TSL Captain
Worm Bane: 27/3/2016
Ailadrodd: 11/06/2016
Worm Bane: 27/3/2016
Ailadrodd: 11/06/2016