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WTS Thunder Pike
I have finally used up this pike.  I am looking for offers of Lumps of Lead, Scales of Fafnir, Hardened Metal, Wood of Glasir, various blue coloured gear, a Worm Bane, and/or money.  If you have other ideas of a nice offer, feel free to offer those as well.

Are you looking for Commando Items? Or Sniper? Or Crossbow?
[move][align=center] S[color=blue]o[color=green]p[color=purple]h[color=brown]i[color=teal]e[/move]
[align=center][Image: whnwaa.jpg]
I am interested in all of the above, but would prefer a crafting material based offer.
Stats on it?
My Our Vodka Last During this Bloody War.
Folly company ;D drop a msg here,4990.135.html
I offer 1 wood of glasir. Your move forums -___-
Pikeman: [LK]Olaf
Commando: [LK]Allelujah
1 Lump of Lead, 1 Scale of Fafnir, 1 Hardened Metal, 1 Wood of Glasir, 1 Snowball
Visored Salet + SHC + 450k + Striped and 3 bear fur
My legendary loots:
Gloves of Vidar
Leviathan's Helmet
Gothic Plate
Scorn x 2
Houses: CC->Aegis->LK->DB->Tricksters->LH
I will update the stats in the OP as soon as my game decides to load up.

Mystical_Cat, while your offer does hold the value I want, I would very much prefer crafting materials and/or money.  I will keep your offer considered, though.

Ughgh, shoo, you already have a Thunderous Poker of Yggdrasil.

Olaf, buy a better pike, but not this one.
Nikolskoe Helmet and a Headcrusher and 300.000 Denarii
[move][align=center] S[color=blue]o[color=green]p[color=purple]h[color=brown]i[color=teal]e[/move]
[align=center][Image: whnwaa.jpg]
i offer arbalest and some mats
Luca's Legendaries:
Dragon Axe

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