(22-01-2012, 10:48 PM)brave_chicken link Wrote: I don't play cRPG
but the admins here really put up with a lot of unproductive whining, and I think it's because they're too nice
so I speak my mind
To be honest dude, I play Crpg and really like it but i really hate the forums there! Everyone is such an arsehole! There are of course exceptions and i have spoken to some very nice people. For example the Merciless clan on Crpg, every one of those i have spoken to has been friendly and helpful but they are very much an exception.
I think I can see why, Crpg forces manual blocking and so the people who are good at it are the people who play all the time and have extremely swollen heads re their own ability.
I really do hope that this forum doesn't turn like that as the forums on Crpg do put me off sometimes knowing that most of the people i'm in game with are such dicks.
Perhaps i've just been unlucky with my experiences on there but i'm no troll or anything and the people are just very unfriendly, It's like everyone who was going to ever play Crpg got there right at the beginning and then since then they just don't care about whether anyone else ever joins. Not a good image.
Edit the 1st:
RE: Straws,
'In all forms' Was definitely the wrong way to phrase that, it was inflammatory and I apologize for that one. My opinion on cavalry has changed with the introduction of hard mode. Cavalry players can be so much more useful than in normal mode (and the general quality of the cav player seems to be better)
I know your general post tone is disagreeing with mine but to be honest pretty much everything you've suggested i agree with.
I think your tactical plans are sound and you have a good idea of how to play a successful cav build. However my belief is that the vast majority of cav players do not get this and i think i can explain by pulling two of your comments together.
Quote:As soon as a couple of good ranged units appear on the field, we simply cannot afford to continue ramboing (not that we should be doing this in the first place as it is very selfish and harmful to the team) as ranged units mostly deny mobility and pierce damage ignores armour to an extent.
Quote:Cavalry kitting NPC's around doesn't allow them to use their greatest ally (on a personal scale) - speed; they cannot use it because it requires a run up, which cannot/should not be attempted because then the Nord mob will just turn to the next closet target
Now i'm not sure how to phrase this brilliantly and so this next bit might not make so much sense but I can see from your post that you recognize that the two differing plans shown above, the kiting and the ramboing, are two completely different tactics and ways of playing.
What i see all the time is essentially people using their speed to kite particular enemies for a long period of time and because of this they neither get hit or make any hits.
This is infuriating, not only if your dead and waiting to respawn but on a map such as swadian village the cav player can (accidentally a lot of the time i admit) ensure that the enemies are either a long way away from where other people want them or they do not kite them proficiently and so it leaves random enemies to come from directions that people are not expecting, leading to what people think are silly deaths (random hits from peasants that wouldnt have lasted a second if you had noticed them for example)
This is a massive wall of text now so i'm going to stop but I'll end on the belief that with the introduction of hard mode the higher level cavalry player can be so incredibly helpful that it pretty much invalidates all my arguments however there is still some room for improvement with cav in normal mode. With the new updates i can see the devs are addressing that as well so im sure pretty soon that this whole couple of posts will make me look more foolish than normal.