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NordInvasion Weekly Event #31 - (Sign Up Thread) 13th April
Character Name:  Aegis_Gutsman
Level: 51
Class: SS + Inf
Equipment: Heavy kettle hat, Heavy surcoat over mail, arbalest, (onyx bolts, dragon axe and barrel possibly)
Role: Sharpshooter
Server Choice:  Hard
Map: Any
Volunteer to be Captain?: No

Edit: forgot I leveled up so i changed it from 50 to 51.
Character Name: [BG]_BlackKnight
Level: 43
Class: Pikeman + Infantry
Equipment: Jarids, German Poleaxe and Normal Barricade
Role: Skirm
Server Choice: H
Map: Mounten Pass
Volunteer to be Captain?: no
DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 19 - ArmorSmith 22 - BlackSmith 19 - Alchemist 8
Aurora Blade - Heimdallr - 2025-02-22
Character Name:  IRK_Germanicus
Level: 40-41
Class: Pikeman
Equipment: Jarids, German Poleaxe, Barricade
Role: Skirm/Healer
Server Choice: H
Map: Mountain Pass
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional) Nope.
4 more spots
"Deer": i want to go to sleep, but i might wake up and not have a house anymore
"Deer": and CC would have grown
"Deer": i wish people would pay me to do things i dont know how to do
Character Name: Nka74
Level: 52
Class: Sniper T4 + 2Inf
Equipment: Bear Armor + SS Bow + Bronze Arrows + Medic Box
Role: Archer / Healer
Server Choice: Hard (H)
Map: Don't mind
Volunteer to be Captain?:No
[Image: dpcfmq0qegd53mozg.jpg]
Loki Kills: 365
Thor Kills: 333
Odin Kills: 263
Prince Kills: 404
King Ragnar Kills: 258

House Crafting: Support 39, Defender 33, Attacker 30
  Alchemist: Lvl 36
Blacksmith: Lvl 21
Armorsmith: Lvl 32
Character Name: Aegis_iWinchester
Level: 45
Class: Commando
Equipment: Steel Cutter, SKS, Boarding Axe
Role: Attacker
Server Choice: Hard
Map: -
Volunteer to be Captain?: no
I surrender my soul,
Odin hear my call,
One day I'll sit beside your throne,
In Valhalla's great hall.
Like so many before me,
I'll die with honour and pride.
The right of a warrior,
Forever to fight by your side...
Character Name: [UK]_DruggedUpTurtle
Level: 52
Class: Sharpshooter/Heavy Inf
Equipment: Arbalest, Emblemed Mail, Ornate Espada, gold bolts, heavy kettle hat.
Role: Sharpshooter
Server Choice: Either Hard (H) or Normal (N) Either
Map: Mountain Outpost/Pass
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional) No
''If Turtle can loot, anybody can.''

Sexual Healer of NI

"He took the pike out of my hands before my body even touched the ground." - Nana
"you can sexually heal me any day" - Xen and Bradapple

25/03/2018 - Shield of Kings
11/10/2018 - Imperial Halfplate - Red
Character Name: wK_Achilles_TheIV
Level: 52
Class: Sniper
Equipment: War Arrows, Barricade
Role: Ranged
Server Choice: Hard
Map: FUS
Volunteer to be Captain?: No
[Image: achillesprofiletroy.jpg]

Oh you've killed Prince 7 times? Cool. Come back to me when you can manual block.
Character Name: [UK]_Crossbownana
Level: 52
Class: Sharpshooter
Equipment: arbelast, stamford, heavy cade
Role: sharpshooter
Server Choice: Hard
Map: -
Volunteer to be Captain?: no
YunYun "I would do a lot of things to your face"
Yuri "Yes, Yes! Use me!
Takeo  "hey hey, I'm man on trust"
Diamond "I'm not an idiot!"
Hande "it makes you to be my.. son ?"
Kip "Mmm, I love unbuilt cades on stairs"
Rammy "Pls"
Tarrod "should I show you my biceps or wat"
Character Name:  ON_Arcavius_Thor
Equipment: my underwear
RoleConfusedpear in my head or MEDIC
Server Choice: Either Hard (H)
Volunteer to be Captain?:nope

Character Name:  ON_Arcavius_Loki
EquipmentConfuseds bow war arrow
Server Choice: Either Hard (H)
Volunteer to be Captain?:nope
Arcavius_Thor:Prince kill:4
                            Thor kill:1
my steam: xelosz

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